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  1. 2020年8月10日 · Sample 1. Email Subject: Thank you and Goodbye. Dear all, Sad to tell you that I am leaving the company today. I want to make clear my gratitude for being able to get to know you both professionally and personally over the (past 3 years). Without your friendship, support and collaboration, my time here would not have been the same.

  2. 2021年10月22日 · Q:離職信和離職感謝函(farewell letter)不一樣嗎? A: 離職信 通常是用於和公司、合作對象告知離職時間、交接對象等,寄送時間通常是離職預告期之前寄出。

  3. 2024年2月20日 · Farewell letter(離職感謝信)寫得好,能助您在公司團隊和其他同事心目中留下正面印象,同時能表達自己對同事和主管的讚賞和感激,保持情誼與人脈。

  4. A farewell letter or email is often written to colleagues, clients, or a boss when you are leaving the company for a new job or retiring. It is an excellent way of thanking your colleagues and bosses for their support. The main thought behind writing such a letter or email is to express your gratitude to your colleagues and bosses.

  5. 2024年5月11日 · Farewell letter and email examples to say goodbye to co-workers, tips for the best way to say goodbye, and how to keep in touch with colleagues.

  6. 2019年1月26日 · 當你即將離職時,無論理由是跳槽、轉行或到海外留學,向同事致以感謝函(Farewell Letter)不但讓你在他們心目中留下良好印象,還可以拓展人際網絡,或會對日後的事業發展帶來莫大幫助。. 如何撰寫恰當得體的感謝函?. 不妨參考以下一些小貼士 ...

  7. 2017年9月4日 · 唔少打工仔離職時都花好多心思去預備「散水餅」俾同事,但其實寫一封得體嘅 Farewell letter(離職道別信同樣重要!. 正所謂「好來好去」,對即將變成「前度」嘅同事表達感謝同祝福,絕對唔係多此一舉。. 如果你公司規模較大,可以淨係寫道別信俾相熟 ...

  8. Farewell letter samples are easy-to-read, well-written example messages designed to give you an idea of how to say goodbye to different people in different situations. You can use them for inspiration when drafting your letter if you can’t find the right words to say.

  9. 不少打工仔離職時都花好多心思去預備散水餅給同事,但其實寫一封得體的farewell letter(離職道別信)同樣重要。. 正所謂「好來好去」,對即將變成「前度」的同事表達感謝和祝福,絕對不會多此一舉......

  10. 2022年5月11日 · Farewell letter and email message samples and template to say goodbye to co-workers and let them know that you have a new job, are retiring, or moving on.

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