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  1. 測量胸圍英文翻譯: take a chest measurement…,點擊查查綫上辭典詳細解釋測量胸圍英文發音,英文單字,怎麽用英語翻譯測量胸圍,測量胸圍的英語例句用法和解釋。

  2. 例句與用法. I want you to take my chest measurement . 我想請您給我量一下我的 胸圍 尺寸。 He has been rejected as a soldier for his narrow chest . 他因 胸圍 狹窄而未能入伍。 Head and chest circumference are checked on all children under two years of age . 兩歲以下的嬰兒都應測量頭圍和 胸圍

  3. 作仔細的測量 make a careful survey of …; 測量邊界 survey the boundaries; 測量胸圍 take a chest measurement; 他拿起卡鉗仔細測量。. he picked up the calipers and gauged carefully. "測量師;測量員" 英文翻譯 : surveyor. "測量頭,測量端" 英文翻譯 : instrument head. "測量,測量方法,測量結果 ...

  4. 測量胸圍造句和"測量胸圍"例句: 1. 測量胸圍67厘米,腰圍53厘米,臀圍71厘米。 2. 測量胸圍、管圍用皮尺。 點擊查看更多測量胸圍的造句...

  5. "measurement" 中文翻譯: n. 1.測量,計量,量度。 2.份量,尺寸,大小,寬度,厚度,深度(等)。 3. 測量法。 measurement goods (按體積、容積計算的)體積貨物。 "measurement to" 中文翻譯: 體積噸 "chest expander; chest developer" 中文翻譯: 擴胸器

  6. "胸圍" 英文翻譯: chest measurement; bust; chest circumference 量胸圍 measure sb.'s bust; 36英寸的胸圍 a 36-inch bust; 他因胸圍狹窄而未能入伍。 he has been rejected as a soldier for his narrow chest

  7. "胸圍" 英文翻譯: chest measurement; bust; chest circumference 量胸圍 measure sb.'s bust; 36英寸的胸圍 a 36-inch bust; 他因胸圍狹窄而未能入伍。 he has been rejected as a soldier for his narrow chest