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    找對律師事半功倍,專業法律服務,歡迎電洽! 遇上官司不用慌,立即電話預約諮詢! ...


  1. 百怡生產之貼紙、標籤印刷產品於1985年起便已針對其安全規範申請UL及CSA檢驗並通過,二十餘年來除不斷增加認證的產品種類之外,另於泰國廠申請了 ISO 9001 及 ISO 14001 認證通過,為客戶端提供更加安全、快速與高品質的印刷產品和服務。

  2. 關於我們 本公司於 1977 年成立,並於 1986 年設立泰國分公司,為一專門提供自黏性商標、電子標籤、安規標籤、條碼標籤、防偽標籤、食品標籤、化粧品標籤、藥品標籤、面板、PC 銘版 等各式標籤與銘板之專業印刷廠,有鑑於全球安規的需求日益提高,本公司又於 1984 年至1986 年間申請UL、CSA 等多 ...

  3. 應用範圍. 多用於銘板製作、薄膜按鍵及需要大面積均勻色塊的貼紙等. 由來簡介. 所謂的網版印刷又稱油印法 (Stencil)、透孔法 (Porous)。. 因為常有用絹布為版材,所以也稱絹印,以前此種印刷主要多用作藝術品上之用,現在已廣泛用於各種印刷品上。. 網版印刷 ...

  4. 百怡為一專門提供貼紙印刷及銘版印刷的印刷公司, 成立至今, 已然三十幾個年頭, 從早期的空白單色貼紙, 至中期的電子安規標籤貼紙, 到近期的全彩數位貼紙, 百怡總是努力地精進本身的技術來迎合客戶們的對貼紙的期待, 除了在技術方面, 對於添購機台也是不惜 ...

  5. About Us. Our company had been found in 1977, and established another manufacturer plant in Thailand in 1986, and we provide many label printing services for different products, which include the cosmetic label, frozen food sticker, and many 3C's devices'label specifications. And due to the rising concern for safety issue, our company further ...

  6. Baeyi Printing is a professional label producer that masters in labels, barcodes nameplates, UL labels and security labels. We accept custom, small amount, and reseller

  7. Operation Principle: Baeyi Printing has four operation principles: 【Customer Focus, Finest Quality, Shortest Delivery, Product Guarantee】. Baeyi is a customer-oriented approach company, since we are not only doing business with customers, but also learn from our customers, therefore we love to treat any customer as a friend, and we are ...

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