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  1. 鴻海科技集團作為科技服務的領先者,近年積極投入「電動車、數位健康、機器人」三大新興產業以及「人工智慧、半導體 ...

  2. 鴻海科技集團作為科技服務領先者,近年積極投入「電動車、數位健康、機器人」三大新興產業以及「人工智慧、半導體、新世代通訊技術」三項新技術領域,以「三加三」結合作為集團重要長期發展策略,為全球標竿客戶提供完整解決方案,成為全方位智慧生活提供者。

  3. Corporate Integrity - Hon Hai Technology Group. As the leader of technology services, Hon Hai Technology Group has actively invested in the three emerging industries of "electric vehicles, digital health, and robots" in recent years, as well as "artificial intelligence, semiconductor, and new generation communication technology". Combined with ...

  4. 鴻海科技集團作為科技服務領先者,近年積極投入「電動車、數位健康、機器人」三大新興產業以及「人工智慧、半導體、新世代通訊技術」三項新技術領域,以「三加三」結合作為集團重要長期發展策略,為全球標竿客戶提供完整解決方案,成為全方位智慧生活提供者。

  5. 鴻海科技集團 - 鴻海科技集團. As the leader of technology services, Hon Hai Technology Group has actively invested in the three emerging industries of "electric vehicles, digital health, and robots" in recent years, as well as "artificial intelligence, semiconductor, and new generation communication technology". Combined with the ...

  6. 鴻海科技集團 - 鴻海科技集團. As the leader of technology services, Hon Hai Technology Group has actively invested in the three emerging industries of "electric vehicles, digital health, and robots" in recent years, as well as "artificial intelligence, semiconductor, and new generation communication technology". Combined with the ...

  1. 西餐界的香菜叫什麼 相關

  2. 營業場所、公家機關,餐廚空間設計規畫製作,流暢的動線,讓你一次就愛上,立即體驗! 千田四十年來秉持環保精神,排汙、排煙多年專業技術,一流的售後服務,堅持好的品質!