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  1. Your mucus plug is a protective collection of mucus in the cervical canal. During pregnancy, the cervix secretes a thick, jelly-like fluid to keep the area moist and protected. This fluid eventually accumulates and seals the opening of your cervix, creating a thick plug of mucus.

  2. Blame the hormones. As hormone levels increase, so does blood flow and fluid retention causing your breasts to feel swollen, sore and sensitive to touch. In fact, breast tenderness can be one of the early signs of pregnancy. But this is good because these breast changes are preparing for the arrival of your baby.

  3. Yes! And both partners can boost their fertility by making key lifestyle changes, dropping unhealthy habits and improving nutrition. Here and in the Health Pregnancy Journey, we offer suggestions on lifestyle improvements, key nutrients for conception and the earliest weeks of pregnancy.

  4. It is normal for your breasts to soften and feel less full when your baby reaches 3-6 weeks of age. Many mothers worry this means their milk supply is low, but your body is adjusting to the needs of your baby. Taking an oral contraceptive, even the mini-pill, can cause a decrease in your milk production.

  5. There are exercise warnings signs you should be aware of that may indicate you need to change your exercise routine. Pregnancy Exercise Warning Signs. Check with your health care provider if you experience any of the following exercise warning signs during pregnancy: Vaginal bleeding. Unusual pain. Dizziness or lightheadedness.

  6. Potential Challenges. While breastfeeding during pregnancy has its benefits, it may also present some challenges. For instance, some physical challenges may include nausea due to the let-down of milk as well as sore nipples. Nearly 75% of mothers experience sore nipples.

  7. An ectopic pregnancy occurs when the fertilized egg attaches itself in a place other than inside the uterus. Most cases occur in the fallopian tube and are thus sometimes called tubal pregnancies. The fallopian tubes are not designed to hold a growing embryo; thus, the fertilized egg in a tubal pregnancy cannot develop properly and must be treated.