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  1. 信貸轉貸利息最低的銀行 相關

  2. 尋找信貸方案不再煩惱!【袋鼠金融】整合多家銀行利率、手續費、每月還款金額,讓您輕鬆挑選! 想省錢又省心?加入袋鼠金融,享受一站式信貸整合服務,獨享優惠與指定銀行享$0手續費,立即了解

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    貸款5步搞定!資金到位不卡關,線上試算超簡單,即時申辦快速撥款,實現夢想找『泰』幸福! 免保人免出門!5分鐘線上快速申貸,專人免費預約諮詢,創業、旅遊、結婚資金貸就補,線上試算!

  4. 過去一個月已有 超過 1 萬 位使用者造訪過

    銀行高隱私保密服務,首期年利率0.01%條件超給力,線上申請信用貸款爽抽雙人來回機票. 有任何資金問題?客服免費諮詢好方便,中國信託可貸額度最高500萬,超低首期年利率0.01%

  5. 債務整合首推玉山銀行,完成撥款者享貸款費用688元,讓您每月負擔更少,輕鬆生活實現夢想. 玉山信貸每日利息最低1元起,有效整合債務,選擇玉山輕鬆降低月付金,減低還款壓力


    • Description
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    1. P2P Banking, From the Wikipedia: "Peer-to-peer banking is an online system that allows individual members to complete financial transactions with one another by using an auction style process that lets members offer loans for a specific amount and at a specific rate. Buyers have the option to look for an amount and rate of interest that meets th...

    "The main characteristics of person-to-person lending are disintermediation and reliance of existing social networks. Disintermediation is a term that denotes the removal of intermediaries in a supply chain, and in the present context, the absence of traditional financial institutions as intermediaries between individuals ("peers"); an important im...

    "Lending money and supplies to friends, family and community members predates formalized financial institutions but in its modern form, peer-to-peer lending is a by-product of internet technologies, especially Web 2.0. The development of the market niche was further boosted by the global economical crisis in 2007-2010 when person-to-person lending ...

    Advantages vs critiques

    "One of the main advantages of person-to-person lending for borrowers has been better rates than traditional bank rates can offer (often below 10%). The advantages for lenders are higher returns than obtainable from a savings account or other investments. Both of these benefits are the result of disintermediation, the lack of high overheads to traditional financial institutions with many employees and costly locations. The paucity of administrative procedures in person-to-person lending has t...

    Success Factors

    From a banking/business commentator at "What will determine the success of P2P is whether they can recruit enough sophisticated investors to fund their loans. According to this report, only about 30% of loans get funded at present on And it does demand a sophisticated investor: practically everyone I've spoken to - incredibly, this includes some bankers are well - fail to understand that Prosper and Zopa are...

    P2P Lending as a Threat to Conventional Bank Institutions

    Swiss Private Banker: P2P Lending a Threat to Bank Balance Sheets: In an video interview in June, Konrad Hummler, managing partner at Swiss Bank Wegelin & Co, states how he sees p2p lending as a threat to banks.P2P lending services could replace vital functions of banks. He says government influenced major banks are too inefficient. Established institutions will use calls for regulation to protect their business against newcomers. (The interview is in German language)

    3-part commentary on peerless banking at

  1. 2012年3月6日 · Description. From Sander Van Damme's Master Thesis on Peer to Peer Microfinance : "Irish Loan Funds. A century after the friendly societies, across the Irish Sea, another early innovation reminds us of today's microfinance institutions (Everett, 2010). In those days the poor also lacked access to finance and it was Jonathan Swift, an Irish ...

  2. It is an important building block of Microfinance. Description. From the Wikipedia: "Solidarity lending takes place through ‘solidarity groups’. These groups are a distinctive banking distribution channel used primarily to deliver microcredit to poor people.

  3. Loans are zero-fee, zero-interest and relatively small — a typical loan is $1,000 on a 10-month period. At the beginning of the loan period, lending circle members determine the loan schedule by pulling numbers out of a hat.

  4. The key idea is a new Sovereign Monetary System, where only the central bank is responsible for money creation.

  5. In granting or issuing so called 'loans' to their customers they create the money that is essential to make the modern economy work. In fact says Prof Werner: 'here is no such thing as a bank loan' he says what happens is credit creation, when banks make the money (credit ) needed out of nothing.

  6. Article: The Morality of Moneylending: A Short History.Yaron Brook. TOS Vol. 2, No. 3. Fall 2007 URL = ...

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