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  2. is the official website of Shin Kong Mitsukoshi, the largest department store chain in Taiwan. You can find the latest news, promotions, events, and services of SKM, as well as browse and book your favorite restaurants online. SKM offers a wide range of products, from beauty, fashion, luxury, to lifestyle, catering to different needs and preferences of customers. Visit www.skm ...

  3. 立創意整合有限公司跨足室內設計、策展、商業經營等複合式 經驗累積後,首次跨足零售通路平台,將台灣文化創意產業與生活設計及時代風格混搭出都會時尚新 品牌,並結合美國、英國、日本、西班牙、北歐諸國等設計強國,建立文創產業跨界合作的新模式,主要以各式設計家飾、特色小物 ...

  4. 1. 申請對象:年滿18歲以上所有顧客. 2. 申請方式:. 只要您尚未持有任何有效之新光三越貴賓卡/銀卡/台新銀行聯名卡/新光銀行聯名卡身份,. 直接下載新光三越APP完成註冊即可免費加入。. (無須領取實體卡) 台新銀行聯名卡/新光銀行聯名卡免消費可直接回 ...

  5. 新光三越台中中港店為臺灣中部最完整舒適的購物娛樂商場,國際精品名店完整進駐、中部最大化妝品區、流行女裝區,另引進3C科技文化品牌法雅客、青少年流行品牌旗艦區、超大生鮮超市、全系列家庭生活商品等,並有中西式主題美食街分層設立,另並結合新光影城,提供消費者身、心、靈全面 ...

  6. 2024日本商品展 | 線上日本商品展|新光三越百貨

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    Celebrate the 30th anniversary of Jurassic Park with the themed exhibition at Shin Kong Mitsukoshi Department Store. Explore the fascinating world of dinosaurs and enjoy the hot products inspired by the classic movie. You can also check out other cultural and artistic events at the store, such as the children's art festival, the Japanese pottery exhibition, and the new art shop. Don't miss ...