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    帶您品鑑百年雪莉酒莊美酒、享受西班牙料理饗宴,還能體驗高速鐵路,省去舟車勞頓的疲憊! 新人獨享禮遇,升等7晚5星住宿!深遊加泰隆尼亞音樂宮/奎爾宮,體驗佛朗明歌風情、高地藝術巡禮

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    台北市酒店特惠,即上Agoda訂房。 扣優惠、特別會員價、即時優惠券──保證價格至抵! ...

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  1. › en › info-centreORSO Schemes - MPFA

    DEFINED CONTRIBUTION SCHEME. MPF Exemption No. OR0061250. ORSO Exemption / Registration No. R024560 (6) Date of MPF Exemption. 22/07/2000. Date of Registration (for registered scheme) or Date of Issue of Exemption Certificate (for exempted scheme) 16/11/1999.

  2. 適逢強積金制度踏入20周年,積金局於今年2月推出全新官方網站( )。. 新網站採用以人為本的設計,透過簡潔鮮明的內容結構及網站導航,加強互動元素,帶給公眾更佳的瀏覽體驗,方便僱員、自僱人士、僱主以及業界、傳媒和公眾更便捷地獲取強 ...

  3. Basic Requirements. Offshore schemes registered with or approved by a recognized overseas authority can become an ORSO exempted scheme. Starting from 26 June 2020, no exemption certificate is to be issued to schemes based on the ground with not more than either 10% or 50 of their members (whichever is less) being Hong Kong permanent identity ...

  4. 誤解:單靠旅遊證件可證明永久離開香港? 強積金計劃成員如果以「永久離港」這個理由申請提早提取強積金,門檻並不低。 申請人必須先向受託人提交申索表格、相關文件和證據,以及法定聲明,聲明自己在特定日期永久離開香港往其他地方居住及無意返回香港工作或再定居。

  5. 積金局在2022年11月17日發出有關強積金計劃內成分基金的核准準則的 通函 (只備英文版本),通函中提到以環境、社會及管治(environmental, social and governance,簡稱ESG)為主題的成分基金(ESG成分基金)是指把ESG因素納入為主要投資重點,並在投資目標及/或策略 ...

  6. Employees must respond in writing to their employer with their choice no later than 30 days after they become eligible, otherwise they are deemed to have chosen the MPF scheme. To facilitate employees to make a choice, employers must provide sufficient information (in both Chinese and English) in relation to MPF schemes and ORSO schemes, for ...

  7. The MPF Exempted ORSO Schemes Register ("Register") is a database of occupational retirement schemes ("ORSO Schemes") for which exemption from MPF requirements has been granted by the Mandatory Provident Fund Schemes Authority ("MPFA"). The ...