Yahoo奇摩 網頁搜尋


  1. Description. • "The Wiki serves a global hub for emergency agencies, government, community agencies and NGOs, business, education, health, media and the public to use social media to better prepare for, respond to and recover from emergencies.

  2. For general information see Taiwan.For current development, see the Delicious tag at An alternative directory can be ...

  3. Description "We have endeavored to encourage more people into the development of applications and apply the power of technology into this race against the disease. A 5K-Star Community, An Anti-Coronavirus Battle In January 2020, a group of enthusiastic ...

  4. The hackers’ answer was called vTaiwan. (The “v” stands for virtual.) A mixed-reality, scaled listening exercise, it was an entirely new way to make decisions. The platform invites citizens into an online space for debate that politicians listen to and take into account when casting their votes.

  5. Crisis Commons. = CrisisCommons brings together domain experts, developers, and first responders around improving technology and practice for humanitarian crisis management and disaster relief.

  6. 2011年1月26日 · The original ATCA -- Asymmetric Threats Contingency Alliance -- is a philanthropic expert initiative founded in 2001 to resolve complex global challenges through collective Socratic dialogue and joint executive action to build a wisdom based global economy.

  7. 2020年4月13日 · First, we apply our collective attention onto the challenge at hand, then we develop interventions that successfully transform our collective behavior, which in turn bends the curve. In a nutshell, the moment we focus our global attention on one single issue, there is nothing we can’t do."