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  1. › wiki › GoatmoonGoatmoon - Wikipedia

    Goatmoon. Goatmoon is a Finnish ane-man black metal baund, foondit in 2002 in Lappeenranta, Finland. Goatmoon recordit sax demos 2002 - 2005. In December 2004 Goatmoon gave oot his first album through Werewolf Records. Members. Discography. Demos. Albums. EPs.

  2. › wiki › HolothuroideaHolothuroidea - Wikipedia

    Holothuroidea. A sea cucumber ( Actinopyga echinites ), displaying its feeding tentacles and tube feet . Holothuroidea ur echinoderms ("nick skins") a aa kent the "cularan-mara" (S ea cucumber ). Thae ur marine beastie wi leathary skin n elongated body heldit single, treen-shapit gonad. Cularan-mara ur fun oan the sea flair worldwide.

  3. › wiki › TapirTapir - Wikipedia

    Tapir. A tapir is a muckle brousin mammal, seemilar in shape tae a pig, wi a short, prehensile snout. Tapirs inhabit jungle an forest regions o Sooth Americae, Central Americae, an Sootheast Asie. The five species o tapirs are the Brazilian tapir, the Malayan tapir, Baird's tapir, Kabomani tapir, an the muntain tapir.

  4. Nene, Yodo-Dono. Toyotomi Hideyoshi (豊臣 秀吉, Februar 2, 1536 or Mairch 26, 1537 – September 18, 1598) wis a preeminent daimyo, warrior, general an politeecian o the Sengoku period [1] who is regardit as Japan's seicont "great unifier." [2] He succeedit his umwhile liege lord, Oda Nobunaga, an broucht an end tae the Sengoku period.

  5. › wiki › PuddockPuddock - Wikipedia

    Anura. Merrem, 1820. Faimilies. List of Anuran families. A Puddock or taid is a craitur sib tae a frog that bides on laund an in fresh watter. Growen puddocks can lowp faur wi their lang shanks. Bufo bufo the yird-taid. Bufo calamita. Wikimedia Commons haes media relatit tae Bufonidae.

  6. The flouerin plants ( angiosperms ), kent as Angiospermae Lindl. [5] [6] or Magnoliophyta an aa, are the maist diverse group o land plants. Angiosperms are seed-producin plants lik the gymnosperms an can be distinguished frae the gymnosperms bi a series o synapomorphies (derived characteristics ). Thir characteristics include flouers, endosperm ...

  7. › wiki › OtterOtter - Wikipedia

    Otter. An otter is ony o 13 livin species o semiaquatic (or in the case o the sea otter, aquatic) mammals that feed on fish an shellfish, an an aa ither invertebrates, amphibians, birds an smaa mammals. The otter subfaimily Lutrinae fairms pairt o the faimily Mustelidae, which an aa includes weasels, badgers, wolverines, an polecats .

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