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  1. 2015年7月3日 · Part B. Definition and solutions. P2P (PEER-TO-PEER) URBANISM is an innovative way of conceiving, constructing, and repairing the city that rests upon five basic principles. 1) P2P-Urbanism defends the fundamental human right to choose the built environment in which to live.

  2. To avoid this, and to maintain the social mix that characterizes the city, the sale of corporation-owned housing must be curbed. The election manifesto of the Dutch Labour Party, PvdA, also explicitly places the problem in the context of a rampant housing market: Amsterdam is a city for everyone. But our housing market is overheating.

  3. 2019年5月5日 · 1. Gideon Kossoff: "Cosmopolitan Localism is the theory and practice of inter-regional and planet-wide net-working between place-based communities who share knowledge, technology, and re-sources. It offers a timely and powerful alternative to globalization: the planet-wide process through which human affairs –in particular, economies ...

  4. 2014年5月17日 · The characteristics of chaordic organizations. The chaordic commons is a network infrastructure created to support P2P-like initiatives, created by Dee Hock, the former chairman of Visa International and author of The Chaordic Age. Here are the principles behind the movement. • Are based on clarity of shared purpose and principles.

  5. Robert Ware: "The International Committee for the Promotion of Chinese Industrial Cooperatives (ICCIC), known as Gung Ho, is a remarkable organization that promotes and supports producer cooperatives throughout China. From its founding, over seventy years ago, Gung Ho has encouraged and sustained - with international support - industrial ...

  6. Emily Parker: "Xinchejian, founded in 2010, means "new workshop." It occupies a rented room in a Shanghai warehouse. Members pay around $16 a month to use the space and tools, and on Wednesday nights it is open to the public. The Taiwan-born David Li, a 40-year-old programmer and a co-founder of Xinchejian, wants to lower the barriers for ...

  7. * Article: The Life Cycle Model and Empire Dynamics of China.Peng Lu and Dianhan Chena. URL = pdf "aims to investigate the rise and fall process of major empires (N=18) in the 2132-year history of China, from BC 221 to AD 1912. The core principle is to find the ...

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