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  1. 家用小型吸塵器 相關

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  1. 也許使用掃把不再那麼常見,但使用吸塵器絕對常見吧。 So when you do this , you vacuum or vacuum clean . 所以,當你這樣做時,叫做用吸塵器或真空吸塵器清潔,

  2. 一個漂亮的吸塵器,然後開始吸地毯。 這意味著你正在清潔 carpet , you are using a vacuum cleaner to clean the carpet hence you are using the expression

  3. A1 初級 中文 美國腔 陪伴 主意 父親 爸爸 關鍵 孩子 摩登家庭》第一季 第2集 - "做一個好爸爸的關鍵"| 人生感悟 | 結語畫外音 (Modern Family 1x02 - "The key to being a good dad" | Life Lesson | Concluding Voice-Over)

  4. 你可以使用蛋殼和小蘇打粉,自製無毒、純天然的研磨清潔劑,其功效類似家用清潔劑 AJAX。 To create this mix , you will need to dry your shells out in the sun or in a low oven , and then grind the dry shells into a fine powder .

    • enjoy screens.規則一:善用電子產品 。Whether you want your kid to be great at the arts, design, business, or science, they'll need tech skills too.
    • not too much.規則二:使用時間要適量。Too much screen time contributes to poor sleep, obesity and the risk of negative mental, social and emotional outcomes.
    • mostly together.規則三:多一點陪伴。It can be easy to treat a screen as a babysitter, but kids often need help understanding what they see.
  5. 因為它不再是洗手的工具,而是一種身份的象徵。. We go to our friend's house and judge how well they're doing by what kind of hand soap they got. 我們去朋友家,想要判斷他們過得好不好,看他們用什麼洗手就知道了。. We've all done this. 我們都幹過這種事吧。. You go to your friend's house ...

  6. First, make a list of your tasks. 首先,製作一張待辦事項清單。 Then, estimate how much time you spend on each task. 接著預估你分別需要花多久時間在每件事上。 Eliminate unnecessary tasks from your list. 將非必要的待辦事項從清單中刪除。 In some cases, you may be able to delegate tasks to other people. 有時候,你或許可以將事情委託給他人。 Prioritize your tasks by numbering them in order of importance. 根據事情的重要性來為它們編號。