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  1. This laptop computer is only one - tenth the weight of a normal desk - top computer. 這臺膝上型電腦僅是一臺普通 桌上型電腦 的十分之一重。. Become a microsoft certified desktop support technician information rights management in microsoft office 2003. 成為microsoft認證的 桌上型電腦 支援技術人員.

  2. 例句與用法. Lifting platforms - mast climbing work platforms. 升降平臺 .桅桿攀爬用工作平臺. Equipped with stair and doods elerator. 提升機有電動葫蘆型和液壓 升降平臺 型。. The application of the pneumatic and hydraulic linkage system. 氣液聯動 升降平臺 設計. Lifting platforms - mast climbing work ...

  3. Computer desk for teachers in every classroom. 每個課室備有教師專用 電腦桌. There is a computer desk in her office. 她的辦公室里有一張 電腦桌 。 Mac machines included students computer desks re - designed to permit eye contact between teachers and students. 重新設計供學生使用的 電腦桌 ,讓師生之間有眼神交流.

  4. pressure-operated. "氣動" 英文翻譯 : pneumatic. "的" 英文翻譯 : 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ... "電-氣動的" 英文翻譯 : electropneumatic. "電動氣動的" 英文翻譯 : electro pneumatic; electropneumatic. "電控氣動的" 英文翻譯 : eelectropneumatic; electropneumatic. "電子氣動的" 英文翻譯 : pneutronic.

  5. 例句與用法. The negative pressure loop should be noted . 應該注意到 負壓 的腹點。 This negative pressure phase is of short duration . 負壓 周期的延續時間很短。 A new kind of minus - pressure air flotation equipment. 一種新型 負壓 氣浮裝置的研究. Leak detection ; negative pressure wave ; wavelet transform.

  6. 水壓升降機英文翻譯: hydraulic lift…,點擊查查綫上辭典詳細解釋水壓升降機英文發音,英文單字,怎麽用英語翻譯水壓升降機,水壓升降機的英語例句用法和解釋。

  7. He should put his cards on the table . 他應該把話放在 桌面 上講。. You know i don't favor under-the-table deals . 你知道我不喜歡搞 桌面 下的交易。. A highly varnished table-p. 涂了一層厚厚的清漆的 桌面 。. We wanted to buy the table but its surface was damaged . 我們想買那張桌子,可惜 桌面 ...