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  1. Each quadrant of the framework represents one of four major models of organization and management theory (Quinn 1988): 1. Human Relations Model: places a great deal on emphasis on flexibility and internal focus, and stresses cohesion, morale, and human 2.

  2. Joseph Campbell died unexpectedly in 1987 after a brief struggle with cancer. In 1988, millions were introduced to his ideas by the broadcast on PBS of Joseph Campbell and the Power of Myth with Bill Moyers, six hours of an electrifying conversation that the

    • Definition
    • Description
    • Characteristics
    • Phases (Stages) of Inquiry
    • Special Skills, Validity Measures, & Distinctions
    • More Information

    1. John Heron: "Co-operative inquiry involves two or more people researching a topic through their own experience of it, using a series of cycles in which they move between this experience and reflecting together on it. Each person is co-subject in the experience phases and co-researcher in the reflection phases."(

    A radical peer-to-peer research method, also called collaborative inquiry, originated by John Heron between 1968 and 1981, and now regarded as one of the most well-developed of the family of action research approaches. It has been applied in a wide range of contexts: in medical practice, nursing, midwifery, social work, management, organizational d...

    John Heron: "The defining features of co-operative inquiry are: 1. All the subjects are as fully involved as possible as co-researchers in all research decisions – about both content and method – taken in the reflection phases. 1. There is intentional interplay between reflection and making sense on the one hand, and experience and action on the ot...

    1. Co-operative inquiry can be seen as cycling through four phases of reflection and action. In Phase 1 a group of co-researchers come together to explore an agreed area of human activity. They may be professionals who wish to inquire into a particular area of practice; couples or families who wish to explore new styles of life; people who wish to ...

    It is more obvious how Heron's model varies from most qualitative and status quo research methodologies, but in "Cooperative Inquiry", he explains how Cooperative Inquiry goes beyond (Participatory) Action Research model(s) in that it contains a radical epistemology for exploration into all facets of the human experience and the necessary special s...

    Short Guide to Co-Operative Inquiry,
    John Heron, Co-operative Inquiry: Research into the Human Condition, London, Sage Publications, 1996. The basic text which provides a comprehensive account of co-operative inquiry. For a link to an...
    John Heron and Peter Reason, ‘The Practice of Co-operative Inquiry: Research ‘with’ rather than ‘on’ People’, in Peter Reason and Hilary Bradbury (eds), Handbook of Action Research, London, Sage Pu...
    For the text of more papers on co-operative inquiry see
    Reports and comments on a wide range of co-operative inquiries can be found in:
  3. – Nick Land, (1988/2011) “Kant, Capital, and The Prohibition of Incest” (p. 64; 71). Description Zachary Stein: The controversial philosopher, Nick Land, is often associated with the new schools of post-Kantian metaphysics known as speculative realism and

  4. Bio By the editors of the Evolution Almanac: "George Modelski, born in Poland in 1926, passed away on February 21, 2014 in Washington, D.C. at the age of 88. He is survived by his wife of many years, Sylvia Modelski. Trained at the London School of Economics ...

  5. a worldwide pool of clients dating back to 1988. Of course he found some people were better connected than others, but the extreme hubs found in power law networks just were not evident. Adapting a famous line from the movie "Blazing Saddles There ...

  6. Following Badaracco (1991), the notion of embedded knowledge explores the significance of relationships and material resources. Embedded knowledge is analyzable in systems terms, in the relationships between, for example, technologies, roles, formal procedures, and emergent routines.