Yahoo奇摩 網頁搜尋


  1. According to Article 69 of the Communicable Disease Control Act, any person who falsifies on this notice shall be fined up to NT$150,000. 所有入境航班旅客過去14天內如有發燒、咳嗽、流鼻水鼻塞、呼吸急促、腹瀉、嗅味覺異常、全身倦怠及四肢無力等症狀,請於抵臺時主動洽CDC檢疫人員,配合健康評估及完成本系統健康申報。 本人同意「入境旅客配合採檢措施及健康管理敬告單」或「有症狀旅客健康評估暨檢疫敬告單及提審權利告知」,以電子表單方式收執。 持大陸地區門號或漫遊門號者,為順利接收簡訊憑證,建議請先向電信業者開通相關服務。

  2. 本網站提供入境旅客填寫健康聲明表的服務,並可查詢居家檢疫通知書等相關資訊。請於航班抵台前48小時內完成線上申報 ...

  3. 旅客入境健康聲明暨居家檢疫通知書 旅客入境健康聲明暨居家檢疫通知書 - 衛生福利部. 依據臺灣法令規定,您為檢疫對象,請遵守以下規定: According to laws and regulations in Taiwan, you are required to take quarantine after entry and abide by the following requirements: 入境旅客應進行居家檢疫,以自宅或親友住所1人1室 (單獨房間含獨立衛浴設備)為原則。 居家檢疫解除後,請繼續自主防疫 4 天。

  4. Self-health management notice. (重點聲明事項) Warning. 為降低可能傳播風險,並保障您自己、親友及周遭人士的健康,請您於入境後5天內配合「加強自主健康管理」, 入境後第5天無症狀且篩檢陰性後改「一般自主健康管理」至入境後第14天︰. To reduce the risk of disease transmission and protect your family, friends, and others, please abide by the enhanced self-health management measures for the first five days following your return.

  5. This system is intended to be used by Taiwanese Airlines implementing crew pandemic prevention practices accepted by the CAA. I agree to receive and keep a record of the COVID-19 Health Declaration and Home Quarantine Notice and Notice of Quarantine and Right to Petition for Habeas Corpus Relief in electronic form .

  6. 以自宅或親友住所1人1戶為原則,「1人1戶」係指居家檢疫者於檢疫期間之檢疫條件須符合以下2點: People undergoing home quarantine should follow the principle of one person per residence by quarantining at home or a residence of their family or friend. "One person per residence" means that the following two requirements must be met during their quarantine period:

  7. 「1人1室」係指在須隔離期間,隔離者於同一戶家中之獨立專用房間(含衛浴設備),「1人1室」進行隔離。 但居家隔離者若能遵守居家隔離相關規定, 且每次使用浴廁後均能適當清消,則可於不含獨立衛浴設備之個人專用房間隔離,但同住者日常生活仍需採取適當防護措施,包括落實佩戴口罩、遵守呼吸道衛生、 勤洗手以加強執行手部衛生、保持良好衛生習慣及維持社交安全距離,且不可共食。

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