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  1. Patent Lens ( harmonizes, parses and presents worldwide patent and technology data in a full-text searchable and highly integrated manner. However, it is much more than a patent database. PatentLens is an integrated response to the massive complexity and opacity of the world of patents. It is intended as a public platform to ...

  2. Definition. 1. "Open Access contributions are those works that satisfy two conditions: The author (s) and right holder (s) of such contributions grant (s) to all users a free, irrevocable, worldwide, right of access to, and a license to copy, use, distribute, transmit and display the work publicly and to make and distribute derivative works, in ...

  3. Description. "In English, buen vivir loosely translates "good living" or "well living", although neither term sits well with Eduardo Gudynas, a leading scholar on the subject. Both sit too close to western notions of wellbeing or welfare, he says: "These are not equivalents at all. With buen vivir, the subject of wellbeing is not [about the ...

  4. by U. Mohrhoff: "F. W. H. Myers, (is) a largely forgotten genius of scientific psychology. Like many of the intellectual leaders of the mid-19th century, Myers rejected the Christianity in which he had been raised. However, the assumption that mind is a byproduct of purely material processes seemed to him just as gratuitous.

  5. The Bios category is the category for all pages about individuals, which we previously indexed differently (with the category, Individuals). When creating a page for an individual please use their full name in the (first name last name) format. Add a new Biographical ...