Yahoo奇摩 網頁搜尋


  1. Bio. "Yuk Hui studied Computer Engineering and Philosophy at the University of Hong Kong and Goldsmiths College in London, with a focus on philosophy of technology. Since 2012 he teaches philosophy at the institute of philosophy and art (IPK) of the Leuphana University Lüneburg where he wrote his habilitation thesis.

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    "The common message of New Economy movement is the vastly expanded definition for the term “Value’ – far beyond that which can be articulated with money. Very few organizations hold this idea as explicit to their DNA as The Metacurrency Project. metacurrency 300x45 New Economies at SIBOS; The Metacurrency ProjectFew can deny that the Sun delivers a...

    1. "We are building platforms and protocols necessary for an open source economy. This requires new technology capacities which need to function in a non-monopolizable manner. 1. Open Identity: Create, manage and own your identity in a trustworthy manner, independent of any central authority. 1. Open Rules: Know the rules of any currency you partic...

    Eric Harris-Braun: "What we are claiming in the meta-currency project, is that the seemingly different social phenomena of monetary exchange, eBay reputation points, grades, coupons, airline-miles, etc.., are similarly expressions of a common pattern. They are all: - formal information systems that allow communities to interact with flows And we ca...

  2. Identity 2.0 may seem like some geeky, visionary future standard that isn't defined yet, but by putting each user's digital identity at the core of all their online experiences, Identity 2.0 is becoming the cornerstone of the new open web.

  3. And this actually fits with another interesting theory about what's happening in authoritarian states and in their cyberspace. This is what political scientists call authoritarian deliberation, and it happens when governments are actually reaching out to their critics and letting them engage with each other online.

  4. IBDD allows for individuals to vote directly, delegate to a trusted authority on an issue or trade their vote for more of a say on another issue. The system should operate such that all of the available votes are engaged on every issue at the expense of credits given to each voter.

  5. The key requirements to become 'superempowered' are comprehension of a complex system's connectivty and operation; access to critical network hubs; possession of a force that can be leveraged against the structure of the system and a willingness to use it.

  6. MyData is a way to convert data from closed silos into an important, reusable resource. It can be used to create new services which help individuals to manage their lives. The providers of these services can create new business models and economic growth to the society. 3.