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  1. 稅收官是個困難模式 NPC,向其他入住房屋的 NPC 收稅來為玩家賺取錢幣。他是通過向痛苦亡魂(稀有地獄敵怪)身上拋灑淨化粉而取得的。此敵怪會變成稅收官,如果被殺,他會像所有城鎮 NPC 一樣在空房屋可用時重生。 當稅收官在場時,現實中的每分鐘(遊戲中的一小時)能從每個住在房屋中的 ...

    • 被动 AI
    • 地狱 有效的房屋
    • 10
    • 3 分鐘
    • 概览
    • 更新备注
    • 基本提示
    • 种植宝石
    • 收集
    • 钓鱼
    • 制作
    • 使用雕像
    • Fighting bosses and events
    • 建造刷怪场

    •杀死敌怪和 Boss。(另见指南:刷怪)


    •将物品出售给 NPC,可能在之前还需要将其制作为更有价值的形式。




    这篇指南原本是为版本 1.3.5 而写, 然而 泰拉瑞亚 现已更新至版本 1.4。大体上的方法保持不变,但修复了一些漏洞。 具体如下:

    •NPC 购买和出售物品的价格不会固定不变,而是根据他们的 “快乐” 程度变化。 如果你为 NPC 们建造的房屋比较合适, 那就蛮好的—— 快乐的 NPC 们会以较高的价格从玩家处购买物品,这样玩家种植或收集到的物品就被赋予了更高的价值。

    •除了 陨石 和 狱石, 将矿石铸成锭并不能让它们卖的更贵。也就是说,锭的价格和制作锭所用的矿石的价格是相同的。

    •光辉飞盘 的售价被降低到仅仅比它的原材料贵一丁点儿。毁灭者的掉落物确实还蛮值钱,但是制作光辉飞盘不再是一个通过这些材料赚钱的好途径。

    •修复了制作 大王朝灯笼 来“空手套白狼”的漏洞。

    •修改了包括 花岗岩巨人雕像 在内的雕像生成的敌怪掉落物品的条件。如果雕像生成的敌怪被机关或熔岩杀死,将不会掉落任何物品。要想得到生成敌怪的掉落物,玩家起码得亲自打几下。

    定期将您的钱放入 猪猪存钱罐 或 保险箱。这将减少 死亡 所丢失的钱:普通模式中玩家死亡时会掉落至少一半物品栏中的钱,在大师模式中则会掉落全部。在 NPC 处购买物品时可以直接从猪猪存钱罐或保险箱中花钱。可以说根本没啥理由在物品栏中携带钱。

    一般来说,“收集你找到的所有东西”这种标准的 RPG 形容确实会让你得到回报。



    •有些物品可以说几乎“完全无用”, 所以不妨将其直接丢弃来为有用或更“有利可图”的物品腾出空间。至于“有利可图”的标准是银币还是金币取决于你当前的游戏进度和积蓄。但要记住,虽然材料本身可能没有价值,但与其他材料进行合成可能会带来更高的利润。例子如下。

    •骷髅商人 提供了在无需返回基地即可出售物品的机会。(对不可堆叠道具尤为有用)。






    •安全起见至少要遮住顶部, 但你也许想先构建一个防感染区域,在顶部衬上木材,并确保在地板底下有着3格深的空间.

    大多数"找到的"可装备物品以及其他物品都能以不同的价格出售,确保你现在所持有的物品胜过它们并且它们无法被制成更好的物品。多积累一些可堆叠的物品,其他不可堆叠的则可以存在附近的箱子中,这样在遇到出售物品的商人(包括骷髅商人)时就能一次性卖出它们换取大量金钱。还有许多资源是可以通过一些手段持续获取的;详情可以从指南:Farming Resources处了解。


    •罐子产出物: 里,绳,和光尤其常见,而且它们的出售单价只有几个铜币,即使以999为一组售卖也只能获得一些银币,和售卖一个从路过的蝙蝠身上掉落的深度计所得的钱币差不多。




    钓鱼可以提供许多可售卖的物品,尤其是当你得到了来自 渔夫的更好的装备;除了一些常见的鱼,你还能捕捞到不少可以售卖的工具、武器、配饰、同时还有时不时出现的金鲤鱼或宝匣。如果你等不到渔夫给你金钓竿,你还可以购买、寻找、或制作一些相对较强的钓竿。为了达到最佳结果,应当注意月相、天气、时间段、和湖的大小。理论上所有可钓上来的东西都是可再生的。

    •所有你不想用作食物,且可以用于烹饪的鱼更适合在未烹饪时直接售卖。(5 或更高价值)

    •As with the critters above, sell off the ones that could only give you Well Fed first:

    •鲈鱼, 大西洋鳕鱼, and 鳟鱼 would only be good for 熟鱼; 壳牡 go for 20 apiece (set the 珍珠 aside for potion brewing).

    •In contrast, 石龙 and 虾 cook up for a full 10 minutes of Plenty Satisfied; 偏口鱼, 红鲷鱼, 三文鱼, and 金枪鱼 all give 8 minutes as 生鱼片. You may want to keep some of these for yourself.

    •Likewise, the fish used for brewing potions all sell for more money than the potions you could craft. (mostly 15, including the 蜂蜜鱼)

    Almost any craft that requires a purchased ingredient is unlikely to be profitable, no matter how useful the item is in gameplay. Crafting together items that are picked up "for free" is another story, and there are many common materials whose sale value can be sharply improved by the proper recipe.

    When crafting large numbers of weapons or accessories, the random 修饰语 will add a bit to your yield: This bonus averages a bit over 10% for melee weapons, or 20% for accessories. Magic or ranged weapons (rare in this context) fall between those at around 15%. Note that individual weapons can have their value reduced by modifiers, but the average will be above list price. Accessory modifiers can only increase the item's sale price.

    The basic setup for statue farming involves connecting a 雕像 to a 1秒计时器 (or a 螃蟹引擎). Place a shallow layer of lava (recommended) around the statue, or connect a few 飞镖机关 to kill the spawned monsters. Once you click the switch, all you have to do is wait for drops to accumulate. A tunnel beneath the trap can allow safe collection, and 传送带 can help on...

    Once a player has defeated a given 事件 or Boss, they will quickly reach a point where they can kill them easily. Aside from developing skills, 玩家 is accumulating equipment over time, and progressively outclassing their former enemies. It can be quite profitable to repeatedly summon and slaughter prior bosses and events. Not all bosses are listed below, as some are not good moneymakers.

    •In Hardmode, the use of the 迈达斯 debuff (金瓶 or 金子弹) will increase enemy drops, as will use of a 幸运币 (or its upgrades).

    •The cost of a 金瓶 is 85, and it lasts 20 minutes. Each 50 金子弹 cost 1950, so 200 bullets costs almost as much as the flask.

    •If you are sufficiently overpowered for some event, the 幸运币 will reward "cherry-tapping", using weak attacks and weak summons to maximize the number of hits landed. Cherry-tapping works best for Invasions (events with a fixed number of spawns, marked by a progress bar) and perhaps some bosses. There are limits:

    •For any given enemy, the Lucky Coin can extract at most (an average of) 122per health point beyond their normal drops, assuming all player attacks do 1 damage each.

    •Critical attacks will do at least 2 damage, so high critical chances will reduce yields from cherry-tapping.


    如果你拥有幸运币和史莱姆法杖 (用雕像史莱姆雕像生成的史莱姆同样掉落这玩意),你可以轻易地每分钟赚到约10金币.如果你充分利用刷怪场的刷怪机制,甚至可以达到1铂金币/分钟。一个简单的方法(至少不用费劲巴拉建个刷怪场)是在Lihzarhd Temple里挖出一小块空地,把自己围在里面回字形,等着Lihzarhds们在你脚下聚成一坨。在这之后,用你所有的召唤栏位召唤小史莱姆。它们有极快的攻击速度,同时每一击对这些蜥蜴人只能造成1的伤害高频刮痧(划)。凭借幸运币,它们每次攻击都可能会掉落一些钱币。或者你可以在海洋里用至少80个神庙砖造一个盒子(用于生成巨骨舌鱼,以及增加刷怪速度). 注意!由于1.4版本为召唤物增加了独立无敌帧,以下信息可能不适用于1.4版本及以上 然而,召唤物实际上被视作射弹。由于史莱姆对敌怪造成伤害时不会消失,它们被视作“穿透射弹”。这表明,当敌怪受到来自它们的伤害时,会获得1/6秒的无敌帧。显然,这极大限制了增加小史莱姆所带来的效率增幅,除非附近有一堆敌怪(参见事件)。 利用以上方法,刷事件也是一种可行(且有效)的赚钱方式。即使对于海盗入侵这种稀有的事件毕竟海盗地图难刷,还得刷2-3个以达到预期效果,and the effort required to farm 2-3 maps, the profit is well worth the effort. Even with minimum equipment and boosts, including two 召唤药水, a 施法桌 and holing up in a base slightly above or below the ground, one can make an average of 250 per invasion or 275 if they sell the gold furniture 掉落自the invasion enemies.

    Hallow Farm

    Once you enter 困难模式, it may be a good idea to farm 神圣之地. The best way to do this is to make an AFK Hallow Farm: •The first thing to do is to clear out a flat area in The Hallow, which will help the spawn rate. Then create a pillar, at least 15 blocks high. •After that, clear out two wide pits on both sides of the pillar with a thin layer of lava, thin enough to not destroy drops. This will kill the 独角兽 and other ground enemies. 传送带 may be helpful to collect coins into stacks. If you have a 金戒指 or upgrade, use that. •The next step is to make the part to kill the 妖精 and 腹足怪. It should have two box shaped parts, the first part thinner than the second, which will help catch the pixies in the trap. Some players may want to separate the parts with platforms. There should be 飞镖机关, 超级飞镖机关, or 长矛机关 on both sides of the second section, to kill the Pixies and Gastropods. These traps should be connected to a 1秒计时器 with wires. •The next step is to set up 玩家 room. This room should have doors to allow 玩家 to exit, but not allow enemies in, and a switch to control the traps. •For maximum efficiency, 玩家 room should have a 水蜡烛, a 红心灯笼, a 篝火, 旗帜 for the enemies, and a chest to store items. It should also qualify as an NPC 家, so that you can pull in a vendor if needed to sell off your loot quickly. While having an NPC there would decrease spawn rates, any time during the night you can assign a vendor there and immediately move off-screen from the farm to teleport them in. After selling off the current loot, if it is still night you can void the house (e.g., break the chair) and head off-screen again to make them teleport to a vacant home and restore your spawn rate. •玩家 should also have a minion to help with the slaughter and deal with passing enemies. •The major items for sale from this farm are: 独角兽角, (2970 per stack of 99), 恩赐苹果 (5 each), 快走时钟 (2) and 扩音器 (2). All the enemies also drop money. You will also get Pixie Dust and gel, which can can be used for crafting more profitable items.

    Hardmode Dungeon

    A very fun and effective way to grind money is to gear up with endgame gear and farm the Hardmode Dungeon. After killing 世纪之花 go in there and farm all the monsters you see. Armored Bones drop over ten silver each, and they are so common that you can easily rack up a lot of money fast. Also, sell the 灵气 and drops you don't need for even more money. In one hour, you might be able to get five platinum with water candles and battle potions and maybe even a lucky Blood Moon. Another way to use the dungeon for money-making is to use a farm. 丛林蜥蜴神庙-type 机关 can prove to be very useful in this method, and will make fighting in the dungeon a lot safer.

  2. 外星法杖是石巨人后困难模式的召唤武器。它会召唤一个小型的UFO传送到附近的敌怪用激光来攻击它们。UFO可以穿越方块。由火星暴乱事件中的火星飞碟掉落。 Its best modifier is Ruthless. The Mythical modifier provides the widest array of stat bonuses, but these primarily affect the initial summon rather than the resulting minion ...

  3. 巫医是个商贩 NPC,一旦以下条件全部满足就会出现: 有一间空房屋。. 蜂王已被打败。. 在 Desktop version, Console version, Mobile version, Nintendo Switch version, and tModLoader version中,巫医会用吹箭筒向附近的敌怪发射毒镖来自卫。. 他的飞镖会让敌怪中毒,此外,在游戏开始 ...

  4. 恶魔之心是数个无法被装备在任何配饰或装备栏的专家模式物品之一,其它的为 机械矿车 的三个部件,以及 Console , Mobile , Switch, and tModLoader 骨头手套 。 它也是专家/大师独有物品中仅有的消耗品。 历史 |. Desktop version. 电脑版 : 修复了新人物可能会直接解锁第 6 个配饰栏的问题。 电脑版 : 引入。 Console version. 主机版 1.0.933.1 : 引入。 ( )

  5. Terraria Wiki. : 社区专页. 需要帮助,想变更方针或针对某些话题进行辩论?. 社区专页正是为此开设的!. 将此页面 添加 到你的 监视列表 来获得最新动向!.

  6. 哥布林战旗 是一个使用时可以召唤 哥布林军队 的 召唤物品 。 当需要刷 尖球 或者想在这个世界获得 哥布林工匠 却又不想等待随机的哥布林军队事件时可以用它。 其在 困难模式 同样很有用,可以用于刷 哥布林召唤师 与其掉落的暗影焰武器。 召唤哥布林军队会消耗一个哥布林战旗,所以在每次召唤 哥布林军队 之前都需要制造一个哥布林战旗。 制造哥布林战旗需要的 破布 可以通过击杀出现在世界外围三分之一区域的 哥布林侦察兵 掉落。 若要使用它,至少一名 玩家 生命 要达到 200。 目录. 1 制作. 1.1 配方. 2 花絮. 3 历史. 制作[ | ] 配方[ | ]

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