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  1. Surprising as it may seem, farts can spread disease. 令人驚訝的是,放屁也會傳播疾病。. In fact, there are many reported cases of farts spreading Streptococcus pyogenes, a pathogen that can cause tonsillitis, scarlet fever, heart disease, and even flesh eating disease. 許多已通報案例指出放屁會傳播化膿性鏈球菌 ...

  2. 禁食對地球上的動物來說是稀鬆平常的。. Many organisms eat only once a day or less, especially those eating high-calorie foods like meats. 有些有機生物甚至一天只進食一次,或根本沒進食,尤其把像肉類這種高熱量食物做為主食的動物。. Cold-blooded carnivores, like snakes, can go days between ...

  3. 在你的胃部跟小腸,空氣會產生一些有點類似. you blow bubbles through a straw in your drink -- except that the bubbles are either moving. 你用吸管吐氣泡到飲料裡的聲音 --- 只是那些泡泡是在往上移動到. up toward your stomach or down toward your… other end. 你的胃,或者往下移動到你的 ...

  4. 第一招:一個減緩你清腸胃壓力的簡易方法就是抬起你的腿。 So when you're sat on the toilet have a stool down. 所以當你坐在馬桶上拉屎的時候。 There are some books. Place your feet on them and try make your knee come above your hip. 這邊有些書。 把腿放上去並試著讓你的膝蓋高過屁股。 So by doing this it straightens out where the colon meets the rectum. 這樣做能幫助通直你的結腸與直腸的交會處。

  5. 好的,網友們,既然你們問了,我們現在就要來回答。. 65698 2872. Ruby Lu 發佈於 2022 年 07 月 27 日. 常常會聽到別人說,大便的時候最好要用蹲的,但事實真的是如此嗎?. 又有什麼科學證明呢?. 讓我們一起透過今天的主編精選,來看看大便最好的姿勢到底是什麼 ...

  6. 是的,我們常常認為睡眠與二十四小時生理時鐘較有關連性,但是這樣的生理時鐘也會影響我們身體吸收與消耗食物的過程。 So, eating out of our normal rhythm can contribute to weight gain, 所以,在我們不正常的規律下進食會導致體重的增加, according to Kelly Allison of the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine’s Center for Weight and Eating Disorders. 這是來自賓州大學的體重以及飲食失調的醫學中心人員 Kelly Allison 所提出的。 Wow, that is one bloated title.

  7. 這是因為糞便其實不如我們想像的危險。 While poops from sick individuals can contain disease-causing bacteria, viruses, and parasites — and contaminate anything they touch — 雖然病人的糞便可能有病原細菌、病毒、寄生蟲,還會污染觸及的一切, healthy poops are usually just water, harmless bacteria, undigested food, and some metabolic waste and dead cells. 健康的大便其多半只含有水、無害細菌、未消化的食物、一些新陳代謝排洩物和死去的細胞。