Yahoo奇摩 網頁搜尋


  1. If your pressure is here, it's an actual choke. 如果你在這裡施壓,就會真的勒住我. -Okay. -So don't actually choke me. -好 -所以別來真的啊!. 【看影片學英語】數萬部 YouTube 影片,搭配英漢字典即點即查,輕鬆掌握單字發音與用法,長久累積看電影不必再看字幕。. 學這些英文 ...

  2. 染上疾病的風險越高,你身體的反應也會更激烈。. Surprising as it may seem, farts can spread disease. 令人驚訝的是,放屁也會傳播疾病。. In fact, there are many reported cases of farts spreading Streptococcus pyogenes, a pathogen that can cause tonsillitis, scarlet fever, heart disease, and even flesh eating ...

  3. 過度友善的乘客一直跟旁邊的人講話, 完全忽略他只想要睡覺 even the guy who 's constantly farting , thinking we don 't know it 's him . 還有那個一直放屁以為沒人發現是他的乘客

  4. Ruby Lu 發佈於 2022 年 07 月 27 日. 常常會聽到別人說,大便的時候最好要用蹲的,但事實真的是如此嗎?. 又有什麼科學證明呢?. 讓我們一起透過今天的主編精選,來看看大便最好的姿勢到底是什麼吧!. 1controversy0:34 controversy 是一個名詞,意思是「爭議、爭論 ...

  5. 指經授權後,可以隨意地「放屁」:隨心所欲地放屁。 Carrie was given fart blanche around the house for the weekend . Carrie 週末可以在家隨心所欲地放屁。

  6. 影片播放. I always like to talk to you about what I read about you in the news and things you did. 我一直都很想要跟你談我在新聞上看到跟你有關以及你做過的事情。. As ... besides Gatesletter, ah... you also ran the news for... 當 ... 除了你的網站 (Gatesletter),你也刊登了新聞... You had something to ...

  7. In fact, they're everywhere. 事實上,牠們無處不在。 On your skin, in your mouth, on your teeth, just crawling, breathing, and farting all over the place. 在你的皮膚上、嘴裡、牙齒上爬行、呼吸和四處放屁。 Aw, come on! 喔,拜託! Relax, I'm just talking about bacteria. 放鬆,我只是在講細菌。 And I know, reflexively, you're thinking, well, bacteria, that must be a bad thing. 我知道你反射性地在想,嗯,細菌,那一定是不好的事。

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