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  1. 有非常多種不同的原因可導致成人便秘。 And sometimes there's actually no obvious reason. 而有時候就是沒什麼明顯的原因。 But some of the most common causes include a lack of fiber, so not eating enough fruit and veg; dehydration, ignoring the urge to go. 但最常見的成因包含缺乏纖維素,也就是蔬果吃得不夠;身體脫水或是常常忽略你的便意。 Actually I'll leave a full list in the description below for you. 其實我會在下方資訊欄給你一個完整的清單。

  2. 可能這太讓人驚訝,並沒有太多關於排便結構的研究, But a few small studies say that squatting helps align your rectum and anal canal better than sitting does . 但有一些小型研究指出,蹲著上廁所會比坐著更有效地讓你的直腸和肛門對齊。

  3. Surprising as it may seem, farts can spread disease. 令人驚訝的是,放屁也會傳播疾病。. In fact, there are many reported cases of farts spreading Streptococcus pyogenes, a pathogen that can cause tonsillitis, scarlet fever, heart disease, and even flesh eating disease. 許多已通報案例指出放屁會傳播化膿性鏈球菌 ...

  4. If your pressure is here, it's an actual choke. 如果你在這裡施壓,就會真的勒住我. -Okay. -So don't actually choke me. -好 -所以別來真的啊!. 【看影片學英語】數萬部 YouTube 影片,搭配英漢字典即點即查,輕鬆掌握單字發音與用法,長久累積看電影不必再看字幕。. 學這些英文 ...

  5. 比爾蓋茲化便便水為神奇!. 竟然可以喝!. (Bill Gates and Jimmy Drink Poop Water) - VoiceTube 看影片學英語. 影片播放. I always like to talk to you about what I read about you in the news and things you did. 我一直都很想要跟你談我在新聞上看到跟你有關以及你做過的事情。. As ... besides ...

  6. Now, if you start seeing your baby making a face with their bowel movements, don't worry, they're probably not constipated. 現在,如果你開始看到你的寶寶在排便時做鬼臉,要擔心,他們可能沒有便祕。. So, parents will often see that their baby is pushing hard and they think that that's constipation and maybe ...

  7. 不僅如此,耶魯大學的研究學者們發現,當人們在喝軟性飲料的時候其實會攝取更多卡路里,其主要原因是因為人們會精確的計算他們飲料中額外的卡路里 。. On top of this, the high fructose corn syrup, which is the primary soda sweetener, is not metabolized in our bodies the same way ...

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