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  1. 北歐家具品牌舉行特賣會 相關

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  1. › wiki › IKEAIKEA - Wikipedia

    IKEA ( Swadish: [ɪˈkeːˈa] [5]) is a multinaitional group o companies that designs an sells ready-tae-assemble furnitur (such as beds, chairs an desks), appliances an hame accessories. ↑ "Visiting IKEA Hometown in Almhult". ↑ ""IKEA museum to open in Sweden in 2015"".

  2. › wiki › Namp'oNamp'o - Wikipedia

    Namp'o (North Korean offeecial spellin: Nampho; Korean pronunciation: ; 남포특별시, 南浦特別市; Namp'o T'ŭkpyŏlsi, Nampo Teukbyeolsi) is a ceety an seaport in Pyongannam-do, North Korea.It wis a provincial-level Directly Governed Ceety (Chikhalsi) frae 1980 tae 2004, when it wis designatit a "Special Ceety" (T'ŭkgŭpsi) an made a pairt o Sooth P'yŏngan.

  3. › wiki › HohhotHohhot - Wikipedia

    Hohhot ( Mongolie: , Cheenese: 呼 和 浩 ; pinyin: Hūhéhàotè, abbreviatit Hū Shì ( Cheenese: 呼 市 ); romanizit as Huhehot or Huhhot an aw), is a ceety in north-central Cheenae an the caipital o the Inner Mongolie Autonomous region, servin as the region's admeenistrative, economic, an cultural centre. The ceety wis foondit bi ...

  4. › wiki › SwadeSwade - Wikipedia

    Swade. ( L.) Mill. The neep, aiblins mair correctly the Swade neep ( Brassica napobrassica, or Brassica napus var. napobrassica ), is a vegetable growed maistly for its ruits tae be aet bi humans an as fodder for beasts. Neeps cam frae the hutherin o Brassica oleracea (kail an its maiks) an Brassica rapa (a group that includes "white turnips ...

  5. › wiki › DamiettaDamietta - Wikipedia

    The "Scots" that wis uised in this airticle wis written bi a body that haesna a guid grip on the leid. Please mak this airticle mair better gin ye can.(October 2020) Mercat street in Damietta Damietta Corniche Damietta (Arabic: دمياط Dumyāṭ), cried Damiata or Domyat an aa, is a port an the caipital o the Damietta Govrenorate in Egyp.

  6. › wiki › Le_CorbusierLe Corbusier - Wikipedia

    Charles-Édouard Jeanneret-Gris, better kent as Le Corbusier ( 6t October 1887 – 27 Augist, 1965 ), wis a French Swiss -born airchitect, weel kent for his contreibutions tae whit is nou cryed modernism, or the International Style. He wis a pioneer in theoretical studies o modren design an wis dedicate tae providin better leevin condeetions ...

  7. Inc. is American multinaitional electronic commerce company wi headquarters in Seattle, Washington, Unitit States. It is the world's largest online retailer. [4] stairtit as an online bookstore, but suin diversifee'd, selling DVDs, CDs, MP3 downloads, software, video gemes, electronics, apparel, furniture, toys, an jewelry ...

  1. 北歐家具品牌舉行特賣會 相關

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