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  1. 今年暑假已經開始,不少學生趁這個長假期做暑期工。. 強制性公積金計劃管理局(積金局)提醒做暑期工的學生,要留意自己的強制性公積金(強積金)權益,一旦發現僱主並無按照法例規定為他們參加強積金計劃或準時供款,應盡早向積金局舉報。. 做暑期工 ...

  2. 過程簡單輕鬆,在流動應用程式註冊只需以下5個步驟:. 第一步:開啟「積金易」流動應用程式按「註冊/登入」,然後按「註冊」。. 第二步:選擇「成員」、「開始註冊」。. 第三步:你可透過「智方便」或掃瞄香港身份證,進行身分驗證。. 系統將會自動 ...

  3. 2024年6月26日 · 萬通信託計劃成員和僱主,由今天開始會透過「積金易」管理強積金行政工作,標誌強積金正式進入數碼新世代。. 全面支援 開啟「積金易」之旅. 「積金易」是一個全新電子平台,各個強積金受託人管理強積金計劃,按照加入「積金易」時間表,由 ...

  4. Special voluntary contributions (SVC) are unrelated to employment. They are additional contributions made directly by scheme members to the trustee* of an MPF scheme without involving their employers. * MPF trustees and their schemes will get onboard the eMPF Platform in sequence one by one.

  5. 引言. 《強制性公積金計劃條例》(《條例》)就涵蓋香港大部分僱員及自僱人士(18 歲以下或年滿65歲僱員及自僱人士除外)強制性公積金制度(強積金制度)設定法律架構。. 2. 《條例》第6H條訂明,強制性公積金計劃管理局(管理局)可為向核准受託人、服務提供者 ...

  6. Starting from 26 June 2020, no exemption certificate is to be issued to schemes based on the ground with not more than either 10% or 50 of their members (whichever is less) being Hong Kong permanent identity card holders. ORSO schemes granted an exemption certificate must comply with the requirements of the ORSO, including (but are not limited to):

  7. The MPF Exempted ORSO Schemes Register ("Register") is a database of occupational retirement schemes ("ORSO Schemes") for which exemption from MPF requirements has been granted by the Mandatory Provident Fund Schemes Authority ("MPFA").

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