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  1. The three principal types of culture integrations -Ideational, Idealistic, and Sensate-never exist in pure form; they are ideal types. In recognition of this Sorokin adds a Mixed category. Actually there are only two polar types of culture mentalities, the Ideational and the Sensate. The Idealistic is a mixed type combining the virtues of the ...

  2. 2023年5月3日 · This " Reverse Dominance Hierarchy ," as Boehm calls it, depends on the rank and file banding together "to deliberately dominate their potential master if they wish to remain equal." Boehm extends his analysis to argue that the processes of group selection originally advanced by David Sloan Wilson can account for the evolution of altruistic ...

  3. 2006年8月23日 · Description=. "Twenty-five years ago the renowned anthropologist Mary Douglas invented a typology known as Grid and Group. (Douglas, 1982). ‘Grid’ refers to externally-imposed and formalised regulation of the actions of individuals, achieved through laws or through social discipline. ‘Group’ refers to membership of bounded groups, in ...

  4. Synthesizing the data, the famous Inglehart-Welzel World Cultural Map plots its findings along two axes: so-called “Survival” vs. “Self Expression” values and “Traditional” vs. “Secular Values.” Cultural zones characterized as high in survival/traditional values suggest collective manifestations of Graves’s B-O, C-P, and D-Q levels.

  5. Time Between Worlds are "the pivotal epochs in world system transformation as times involving profound educational disruption and innovation. These were times when all four of the major crisis vectors—sense-making, meaning making, legitimacy, and capability—are beset by disruptions of intergenerational transmission.A time between worlds is turbulent to say the least.

  6. Polly Wiessner: "Graeber and Wengrow struggle with the concept of egalitarianism, which they see as “sameness” in some specific ways that are agreed upon to be important (p. 126).However, egalitarian relations are not about sameness in small-scale societies, but rather about respect and appreciation of different skills offered by group ...

  7. Discussion Jordan Bates: - “It wasn’t until ~5000 BC that the dominator model appeared in the form of “nomadic bands” from peripheral areas that attacked the preexisting civilizations, which were all partnership societies. Defense mechanisms like trenches and ...