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  1. 家用小型吸塵器 相關

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  1. 也許使用掃把不再那麼常見,但使用吸塵器絕對常見吧。 So when you do this , you vacuum or vacuum clean . 所以,當你這樣做時,叫做用吸塵器或真空吸塵器清潔,

  2. 一個漂亮的吸塵器,然後開始吸地毯。 這意味著你正在清潔 carpet , you are using a vacuum cleaner to clean the carpet hence you are using the expression

  3. Yes, absolutely. So what we're finding is that about only about 16% of the homes that were available for sale in 2023 were affordable for the typical household and that's down from 21% in 2022. 是的,一點沒錯。. 我們發現,2023 年待售房屋中,只有約 16% 是普通家庭可以負擔得起的,這一數字低於 2022 年的 ...

  4. 在這節英語課上,我將向大家介紹一些我放假時做的事情。. So let me explain the difference between to have a day off and to take day off. 讓我來解釋一下「have a day off」和「take day off」之間的區別。. When you have a day off, it means that the day has been given to you. 當你放假一天時,這 ...

  5. 你可以使用蛋殼和小蘇打粉,自製無毒、純天然的研磨清潔劑,其功效類似家用清潔劑 AJAX。 To create this mix , you will need to dry your shells out in the sun or in a low oven , and then grind the dry shells into a fine powder .

  6. 如果你有一百塊美金 (三千塊台幣),你會怎麼花?會拿去吃大餐?買衣服?還是去個兩天一夜小旅行?如果是小 V 的話,我一定會找朋友或家人去吃一頓大餐啊!唯有吃可以給小 V 快樂啊!那其他人會怎麼花呢?快跟我一起來看這部影片吧! 1frivolous 0:44 frivolous 是形容詞,意思有「輕佻的;無聊的 ...

  7. 何不邀請他們發送表情符號給奶奶,或讓他們嘗試像 ScratchJr 的程式設計軟體,而不是只被動地看著螢幕。. Rule number two, not too much. 規則二:使用時間要適量。. Too much screen time contributes to poor sleep, obesity and the risk of negative mental, social and emotional outcomes. 花太多時間 ...