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  1. "The Arduino microcontroller is a principle representative of the microcontrollers commonly used in art and design. Others in the field include Wiring, Making Things, PIC, and the Basic Stamp. The Arduino microcontroller was originally created as an educational platform for a class project at the Interaction Design Institute Ivrea in 2005.

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    Julian Kucklich: "If we assume that play is distinct from "ordinary life" (Huizinga), and that it constitutes an "occasion of pure waste" (Caillois), then playbour is the re-entry of ordinary life into play, with a concomitant valorization of play activities. Insofar as life (bios) is always productive, and be it only in the sense that it produces ...

    Christian Fuchs: "Herbert Marcuse in "Eros and Civilization" connected Marx's notions of necessary labour and surplus labour/value to the Freudian drive structure of humans and argued that necessary labour on the level of drives corresponds to necessary suppression and surplus labour to surplus-repression. This means that in order to exist a societ...

    Essay: precarious playbour. modders and the digital games industry. fibreculture, 3.5. By julian r. kücklich
    Conference presentation: precarious playbour. modders and the digital games industry, paper presented at the creative gamers seminar, hypermedia lab, university of tampere.
  2. The central political program of petty bourgeoisie socialism is to promote “economic and political democracy.” The leading thinkers in the rich tradition of petty bourgeoisie socialism are P-J. Proudhon, F. Lassalle, J.S. Mill, Silvio Gesell, Fernand Braudel, James

  3. Students go to universities to get education from professors, who supply them with information in the form of a stand up routine that may include the use of class notes, handouts, textbooks, videos, and in recent times the World Wide Web.

  4. 1. " Adoption of multiple-purpose production machinery for frequent switching from one short production run to another is opposed to the current practice, in large-scale, capital intensive manufacturing, of using expensive, specialized production machinery that can only pay for itself with long production runs for giant market areas.

  5. 2021年1月8日 · Definition. Common Property should be distinguished from both private, public state property. Common Property is property that is owned by a group of individuals. Access, use, and exclusion are controlled by the joint owners.

  6. Does the Tao operate in history, what are the stages in history? For Ssu-Ma Ch’ien, it was the sage-king that intervened when the Tao degenerated. History and future are thus cyclical with the rise and fall of the Tao. When wisdom and learning separate, then society degenerates." Categories: Civilizational Analysis. Bios. China.

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