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  1. 爱词霸英语翻译器为广大英文学习爱好者提供即时的在线翻译、在线词典、英文写作校对、汉译英、英译汉、图片、文档翻译、汉语查词等服务,金山词霸在线查词翻译频道致力于提供优质的在线翻译、查词服务.

  2. 多端数据云端同步,支持多个设备拍照语音翻译,支持英法日等7国语音. 立即下载. 爱词霸英语翻译器为广大英文学习爱好者提供即时的在线翻译、在线词典、英文写作校对、汉译英、英译汉、图片、文档翻译、汉语查词等服务,金山词霸在线查词翻译频道致力于 ...

  3. triple. He received triple wages for all his extra work. 由于额外的工作他领取了三倍的工资. 《简明英汉词典》 He received triple pay for his extra work. 他因超额工作得到三倍的报酬. 辞典例句. I'm triple platinum and tragedies happened in two states. 我是三倍的合金而且悲剧已经在两个地方发生了. 互联网. He pulled the ball the opposite way for a run - scoring triple. 他反方向的一击球得了三倍的分. 互联网. We must triple our efforts.

  4. [ zhèn xīng] 释义. develop vigorously. 振兴; cause to prosper. 振兴; promote. 促进; 促销; 晋升; 使…升级; reenergize. 重供能,重新激励; 实用场景例句. 全部. He is seeking advice on how to revive the stagnant economy. 他正在就如何振兴低迷的经济征求意见。 柯林斯例句. the revival of trade. 贸易振兴. 《牛津高阶英汉双解词典》 All attempts to revive the fishing industry were foredoomed to failure. 千方百计振兴渔业注定徒劳无功. 辞典例句.

  5. Furthermore, subsidies provide incentives only for investments in equipment.更有甚者, 提供津贴仅是为鼓励增添设备的投资. 英汉非文学 - 环境法 - 环境法 Incentives can raise productivity and offer bountiful opportunities for a better life. 奖励能够提高生产力,并为更好的

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