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  1. 在他們的專輯《蘇打綠》和《小宇宙》的歌詞中,我們可以看見并且聽見蘇打綠對于愛情、生活與夢想的描繪。 蘇打綠 組團的緣起是因為主唱青峰與貝斯手馨儀決定找其他樂手共同組團,開始他們的音樂之路。

  2. 梅艷芳逝世前的最后一次踏上紅館舞臺,傾力演出的經典金曲演唱會,上海交響樂團客串演出,現推出雙cd套裝,現場dsd錄音,極具收藏價值 But then later she had decided to pursue a carrer in acting . she made her debute in a part in veronica s closet and the love boat : the next wave . when jolene got her ...

  3. he signed on at half past seven. 出席會議的人在進入大廳前均須簽到。 all the participants were required to sign in as they entered the hall to attend the meeting.; 簽到簿 attendance book; 簽到處 sign-in desk. "短簽到" 英文翻譯 : short sign-on. "簽到;簽收" 英文翻譯 : sign in. "簽到薄" 英文翻譯 : attendance book. "簽到本" 英文翻譯 : attendance book; visitors’ book/guest book.

  4. conference中文意思::會議…,點擊查查權威綫上辭典詳細解釋conference的中文翻譯,conference的發音,三態,音標,用法和造句等。conference in Hindi conference 意味 conference meaning conference en francais conference artinya conference 뜻 conference перевод

  5. 應允,答應,依從,同意;遵照。. to comply with sb.'s request 答應某人要求。. comply with the rules 遵守規則行事。. comply with a formality 履行手續。. "comply with, to" 中文翻譯 : 配合. "commitment to comply" 中文翻譯 : 遵守準則的承諾. "comply fair" 中文翻譯 : 允從. "comply with a ...

  6. Coral health charts now available in chinese 珊瑚健康 色卡 (圖表)推出中文版了. Din colour chart ; specification of colour samples Din 色卡 .顏色樣本的技術要求. Q : how did you choose the colors on the card 問:你們如何選擇 色卡 上的顏色. 1 1 colour cards of standard depths for dyeing with dyestuffs 1 1染料 ...

  7. 例句與用法. Soup 's off -- we have only got fruit juice . 湯已 售完 現只供應果汁。. I ' m sorry , we ' ve sold out , ' the girl said. “對不起,票已 售完 。. ”那位姑娘說。. The houses are sold out within this price range. 在這個價位范圍之內的房子已 售完 。. The goods we offered last week are ...