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  1. A selection from Francis Fukuyama's essay published in the international affairs journal The National Interest in 1989 called 'The End of History'. Francis Fukuyama:

  2. The tetrad first appeared in print in McLuhan's posthumously-published works Laws of Media (1988) and The Global Village (1989). The tetrad consists of four questions. What does the medium enhance? What does the medium make obsolete? What does the

  3. The modern revolution in learning. An extract from Chapter 1 of John Heron’s book The Complete Facilitator’s Handbook, London, Kogan Page, 1999. Text. "There has been a radical change in the theory and practice of higher education over recent decades (Boud, 1988; Heron, 1992; Knowles, 1980).

  4. We define politogenesis as a process of formation of a distinct political aspect within the social system that leads to the emergence of partially and relatively autonomous political subsystem, a process of the formation of special power forms of societal organization; this is connected with the concentration of power and political activities (b...

  5. Harsanyi’s ruling out of immoral or anti–social acts from consideration (Harsanyi, 1988). The golden rule is not the ethical reciprocity of an eye–for–an–eye, but a statement of higher good beyond game theory economics.

  6. – Nick Land, (1988/2011) “Kant, Capital, and The Prohibition of Incest” (p. 64; 71). Description Zachary Stein: The controversial philosopher, Nick Land, is often associated with the new schools of post-Kantian metaphysics known as speculative realism and

  7. Negotiated coordination is a process of deliberative democratic decision-making. The social owners of the assets involved in decisions on investment comprise the enterprises in the industry, the communities in which they are located, suppliers and customers, planning commisions, and other groups with a legitimate interest in the outcome.

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