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  1. Yahoo奇摩字典
    • 1. to make (or take) a fresh start; to turn over a new leaf; to start over; to wipe the slate clean; to restart; to resume; to renew; to reopen

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  2. 2014年2月27日 · Turn over a new leaf 即是我們中文常講的「(人生生活展開新的一頁」,就像書本翻開新的一頁作為新的開始一般或者直接譯為改過自新重新開始」。 但要特別注意的是這個慣用語的是用leaf樹葉來取代page書頁),英美人士在運用它時也常會連帶指出欲改進的目標以下是三個例句: I'm turning over a new leaf – I'm going to quit smoking. (我要改過自新,開始戒煙了。 Jessica has a sweet tooth and always eats lots of unhealthy cakes. But she will turn over a new leaf and try good food.

  3. 重新開始. back to square one phrase. If you are back to square one, you have to start working on a plan from the beginning because your previous attempt failed completely.: If this doesn't work we're back to square one. 如果这样不行,我们只好从头开始。.

  4. to start something again. (使重新開始;(使再開始重新啓動. Our car stalled and wouldn't restart. 我們的車拋了錨,發動不起來了。 Please restart your computer to complete installation. 請重啓電腦完成安裝。 减少例句. A freed inmate wants to restart his life. We can restart this case at any time. The plan was to restart nuclear reactors to make explosive tritium for weapons.

  5. 2021年6月17日 · 1、Nobody can go back and start a new beginning,but anyone can start today and make a new ending. 沒有人可以回到過去重新開始,但每一個人都可以從現在開始創造全新的未來。 2、The kind needs to be wise. Wisdom enables one to be kinder. 越善良的人,越需要聰明。 越聰明的人,越有能力善良。 3、Choices about life differ not in superiority or inferiority, but in this way or that way. 人生抉擇,沒有高下之分,只有左右之別。

  6. renew. 重新開始; 使更新; 使恢復; 補充; 相關詞. 比賽重新開始 time in. 決定重新開始 Decided to re-start ; decision to re-start ; Decided to start again. 你可以重新開始 You can start again. 我不想重新開始 I don't want to make a brand new start. 我們能重新開始 Ohhh, we can begin again. 我需要重新開始 I will need to restart ; I need to re-start ; I need to start again. 我重新開始 I start again.

  7. 重新開始英文_重新開始英文怎麼說. 當前位置: 綫上翻譯 > 英語翻譯 > 重新開始英文. 重新開始 英文. 發音: "重新開始"怎麼讀 用"重新開始"造句. 英文翻譯 手機版. 63.starting afresh. make a new beginning. make a new start. recommencement. reinaugurate. renew. reprise. resume, restart. resumption. starting all over again. take a fresh start. transport restart. turn over a new leaf. volver a empezar.

  8. 重新開始 - English translation – Linguee. Dictionary Chinese-English Under construction. 重新开始 () restart. less common: resume. ·. start afresh. See also: 重新 — re- ·. once more. 重新 adv — again adv. 重新 n — redesign n. ·. reconsider n. 新开始 n — new beginning n. See more examples • See alternative translations. See alternative translations.

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