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  1. to put something into a liquid for a short time. 涮,浸,蘸. Dip the fish in the batter, then drop it into the hot oil. 先把魚在麵糊中浸一下,然後再放進熱油中。 She dipped her toe into the pool to see how cold it was. 她把腳趾伸到游泳池裡試試水有多涼。 [ T ] to put sheep for a short time into a container of liquid containing chemicals that kill harmful insects on the sheep's bodies.

  2. 臺北市大同區大龍國民小學 - 首頁. 幼兒園新生專區. 發布單位: 全部. 大龍國小創立於西元1896年8月29日,當時稱為台灣總督府國語學校第三附屬學校,校名幾經變革:西元1898年改稱大龍峒公學校,西元1941年改稱大宮國民學校,西元1945年10月改稱大龍峒國民學校,1953年改稱臺北市大龍國民學校。 於西元1968年8月1日正式改稱臺北市大同區大龍國民小學。

  3. 創新教學的優點與實踐,開平餐飲的創新教學在做什麼?. 2022-03-02. 閱讀更多.開平餐飲學校國際部學生親手製作出三公尺高風車及鬱金花海,為荷蘭國際週打造出濃濃的異國風味。. -scaled.jpg 1471 2560 supervisor01 /wp-content ...

  4. 1. 浸;泡 [(+in/into)] 2. 把(手等)伸入 [(+into)] She dipped her finger in the water to see if it's hot. 她把手指浸入水中,看水熱不熱。. 3. 舀取,汲出 [(+out/up)] She dipped up soup from the pot with a ladle. 她用勺從鍋裡舀湯。. 4.

  5. to put something into a liquid for a short time. 涮,浸,蘸. Dip the fish in the batter, then drop it into the hot oil.先把魚在麵糊中浸一下,然後再放進熱油中。 She dipped her toe into the pool to see how cold it was.她把腳趾伸到游泳池裡試試水有多涼。 [ T ] to put sheep for a short time into a container of liquid containing chemicals that kill harmful insects on the sheep's bodies.

  6. to put something into a liquid for a short time: Dip the fish in the batter, then drop it into the hot oil. She dipped her toe into the pool to see how cold it was. [ T ] to put sheep for a short time into a container of liquid containing chemicals that kill harmful insects on the sheep's bodies. 减少例句.

  7. verb. uk / dɪp / us present participle dipping | past tense and past participle dipped. dip verb (PUT INTO) B2. to put something into a liquid for a short time: She dipped the brush into the paint. dip verb (LOWER) B2. to become lower in level or amount: The number of students taking sciences has dipped sharply. 片語動詞. dip into sth.

  8. 2024教師招募. 兼任業師: 歡迎影視音、文學、藝術、史哲、體育、外文......等專長,具備跨領域課程、多元教學方式與滿滿教育熱情的您自我推薦,TMS課程安排為一年四季,每季十週,約於每季前1-2個月排定課程,業師履歷建檔後若有相關課程需求,我們將會主動與您聯繫。 👉 業師表單.

  9. 動詞. "dip" 例句. I dipped my foot into the pool to check the temperature. I like to dip my cookies in milk before eating them. She's dipping her foot in the pool to check the temperature. He dipped his fingers into the icing to try it. These chicken fingers taste better if you dip them in the sauce. He dipped the brush into the paint. 他把刷子沾進油漆裡。

  10. 校園公告. 本校弦樂團與管樂團將分別舉辦112學年度第二學期期末成果發表會,歡迎校內學生與教職同仁參與,給予社團學生支持與鼓勵。. 轉知 育達高中舉辦「2024 KPOP街舞免費課程」,辦法如說明。. 賀 賀~!! 臺北市立文獻館「2024尋根溯源 創意族譜設計比賽 ...

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