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  1. Focusing on the U.S. Federal Reserve System (“the Fed”), the Article outlines a series of structural reforms that would radically redefine the role of a central bank as the ultimate public platform for generating, modulating, and allocating financial resources in a democratic economy—the People’s Ledger.

  2. Commoners make and monitor the agreements themselves – they’re not imposed from above. The commons is a movement – each local commons fits into a larger commons, and so on, up to the global scale. The first negates Hardin’s ‘Tragedy of the Commons’. The second shows that this is separate from the state. The third makes the ambition ...

    • Description
    • Federated Blogs

    A Federated Wiki is a new type of distributed wiki. It's hosted, edited, administrated and operated in a part-decentralized way by it's users. It's federated like Diaspora (or other Federated Social Networks). It has asynchronous and (soon) real-time text editing, a distributed conflict management system, like the ability to fork, branch and merge ...

    One could potentially apply the ideas to blogs, Federated Blog(s). One can modify say, Wordpress, to federate blog posts and comments cross-blogosphere. It can be seen as a generalization of the concept of RSS, but with read and write capabilities. And supporting several other protocols, among other things, would have to take place to bridge the ga...

  3. Julian Feder: "The PoW protocol allows the Bitcoin network to reach consensus regarding the contribution of each node in the system to the authentication process needed to verify transactions. The moment such a consensus is reached, contributors are rewarded with freshly minted Bitcoins. The PoW model restricts itself to an algorithmically ...

  4. But in the end, it turned out to be quite hard to agree upfront on what federation protocol each server should implement. Choosing this protocol and agreeing on a choice with all parties involved is hard, and this is not a top-down organization; each application has its own development roadmap which often understandably takes priority over the more idealistic and long-term federation efforts."

  5. 2016年3月22日 · Chelsea Rustrum: " Fairmondo, a member-owned digital cooperative that enables people to sell ethical products. Launched 2013 in Germany, Fairmondo is now going global. Fairmondo is rooted in an ethos of open source, open innovation, and a commons-based society. It has funded itself through a series of successful crowdfunding campaigns that have ...

  6. It shares through federation, composes by refactoring and wraps data with visualization". Description Ward Cunningham: "We imagine two components: a server component managing page storage and collaboration between peer servers, and, a client component ...