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  1. › app › 648800Raft - Steam

    Raft throws you and your friends into an epic oceanic adventure! Alone or together, players battle to survive a perilous voyage across a vast sea! Gather debris, scavenge reefs and build your own floating home, but be wary of the man-eating sharks!

  2. 2024年5月7日 · Raft, free and safe download. Raft latest version: Build a life on a raft and navigate the perils. Raft is a paid adventure game that blends with surv

  3. 2021年7月17日 · 木筏求生聯機版是一款風靡全球的海上生存冒險遊戲,由Raft Developer開發製作,且此版本中可以支持區域網玩家加入,不同的玩家連入同一區域網之後即可載入同一場遊戲。

  4. All New Raft is now out on Steam! By yourself or with friends, your mission is to survive an epic oceanic adventure across a perilous sea! Gather debris to survive, expand your raft and be wary of the dangers of the ocean!

  5. Raft - A multiplayer oceanic survival game. By yourself or with your friends, gather debris to survive, expand your raft and be wary of the dangers of the ocean!

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  7. RAFT是以最初在Itch.io上的原型開發,目前在Steam上推出改良功能與畫面的新測試版本。 遊戲提供三種難易度的生存模式與不花費資源的創意模式,多人同樂由房主主持遊戲的存檔與進行。

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