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  2. 2022年6月23日 · A judge has dismissed an emergency protective order filed against Rajon Rondo by the mother of his children after the NBA player and former University of Kentucky star was accused of pulling a...

    • Brooks Holton
    • University of Louisville Basketball
  3. 2022年6月21日 · 〔體育中心/綜合報導〕36歲的騎士後衛老將朗度(Rajon Rondo)日前遭前女友艾許莉(Ashley Bachelor)指控持槍威脅,而據《TMZ Sports》證實,雙方已達成協議,成功撤銷對艾許莉的緊急保護令。 事發上個月11日,朗度在客廳與兒子一同打電動,艾許莉因呼叫兒子去整理洗好的衣服,讓被打斷遊戲的朗度勃然大怒,將客廳、遊戲機弄得一團亂,並在向艾許莉威脅:「你死定了」就憤而離家。 隨後,艾許莉稱朗度帶了一把槍回來,先是用槍敲打窗戶,接著又把兒女拉出家門外,質問他們「為什麼那麼怕他」。 艾許莉對法院申請的保護令指出,她擔心會對其孩子及自己造成威脅,而且朗度有暴力及失控行為的前科。 法院文件僅顯示,事情的發展因雙方「達成協議」,並無透露更多協議的細節。

  4. 2022年6月24日 · A Louisville judge has dismissed an emergency protective order filed against NBA veteran Rajon Rondo by Ashley Bachelor, the mother of his children.

    • Brooks Holton
    • University of Louisville Basketball
  5. NBA 老將球星 Rajon Rondo 的前女友,Ashley Bachelor 上週向法院申請緊急保護令獲准,保護對象是她本人及兩名她和 Rondo 所生的兒女,緊急保護令是法官為了避免進一步衝突 - 恐嚇,NBA,情報,籃球,快訊.

  6. 2022年6月20日 · The emergency protection order that was filed against Rajon Rondo last month after he was accused of pulling a gun on the mother of his kids has been dismissed, TMZ Sports has confirmed. Court documents show the reason for the move was Rondo and his accuser, Ashley Bachelor, “reached an agreement.”.

    • Dan Feldman
  7. 2022年5月16日 · Ashley Bachelor submitted an application May 13 in Jefferson County (Ky.) Family Court for an emergency protective order against Rondo. It was approved the same day by Judge Denise Brown,...

  8. 2022年5月17日 · Cleveland Cavaliers guard Rajon Rondo allegedly pulled a gun on his former partner Ashley Bachelor, threatening to kill her, according to a report from TMZ Sports. Bachelor has reportedly...