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  1. Inspired by the work of Thomas Berry, Brian Swimme, Maria Montessori, Lynn Margulis, and numerous others, DTN founder Jennifer Morgan wrote a Universe Story Trilogy for children — Born With a Bang, From Lava to Life, and Mammals Who Morph. She saw ...

  2. BIO I am an instructor in the Labour Studies Program at Simon Fraser University, near Vancouver, Canada, where I teach courses in Labour and the Environment and Collective Bargaining. I have been a peace and social justice advocate since the 1960s and have ...

  3. Description. Tom Duncan: "PowerLedger is blockchain industry solution that solves the challenge of supply and demand imbalances in power grids, whilst empowering individuals and organisation to share power with anyone in the grid network for an improved price point, and avoiding retailer price gouging.

  4. Tom Slee "The most explicitly Canadian of the three books, Black Code: Inside the Battle for Cyberspace opens in Calgary, has an epigraph by Dionne Brand and has a subtitle that harks back to the science fiction of William Gibson. It is also the most likely to

  5. Bio. "Tom Atlee, founder of the non-profit Co-Intelligence Institute, has written and spoken for twenty years on politics, democracy and cultural transformation. His two resource packed websites - and democracy - are used by thousands of people every month, and a thousand of them subscribe to his email ...

  6. Tom Walker: "The issue I grapple with in Jobs, Liberty and the Bottom Line is not so much "what is the best remedy for unemployment" or even "what is the case for shorter working time" but why and how has one particular set of policy options been excluded from the mainstream discourse.

  7. Simmons, Ayishat Akanbi, Glenn Loury, Afrika Brooke, Derrick Blackman, John Wood Jr. Adolph Reed Jr., Greg Thomas, Shelby Steele, and other voices of color, Valdary promotes a message of racial unity and non-extremism that acknowledges ...