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  1. › app › 2273530Steam - Flying Toyz

    Lego-style toys meet Rocket League and MultiVersus, giving life to Flying Toyz where toys animated by mystical energy battle using superpowers to score goals. By harnessing all their energy, they can summon a Titan to their aid. Flying Toyz is community-driven, allowing players and content creators to interact like never before.

    • Overview
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    • Translation Issue
    • About This Game
    • System Requirements

    Dice! Tabletop role-playing games! Cthulhu! Diverse story modules! Rich branching narratives! We are prisoners of fate, but sometimes we also roll the dice and create miracles!

    Hi investigators, we are Meow-Natural Studio.

    This is our first TRPG game called "Depersonalization," which is similar to COC role-playing game.

    Here you can find and supervise us:


    We will post specific progress updates and answer questions every week.


    We will try to release 1-2 videos per month to showcase our progress and daily work.

    •Google Docs

    Regarding the translation quality issue raised by some investigators before,

    we understand that for a story-driven game, translation quality directly affects immersion in the game.

    Therefore, starting from July this year, we have hired a professional translation team to refine the game text translations.

    Currently, "Moonshade Monolith" and "Far Hope Park" have been implemented. By the end of December, we will launch refined translations for "All-in-One and One-in-All" as well as "Lies and Fraud," gradually replacing our initial poor translations.

    Depersonalization is a COC-like RPG. TRPG! Dice! Cthulhu! Bad End! Multi-branch! A different world starting from zero!

    The game consists of multiple modules, each of which has multiple endings and branch routes, striving to build a diverse, themed world.

    •Players can create a variety of characters, and advance the story through free exploration, investigation, reasoning, selection and other actions, and finally reach the end.

    •No rigid growth system, all attribute are served with narrative.

    •Character's attributes will influence the direction of the story, which allows players to experience a more multi-faceted plot. Maybe someone with low attributes is more likely to trigger incredible events.

    •There will be a lot of choices in the story module. Different players can reach various plots and endings. These experiences eventually come together and form a complete story with ups and downs.


    •OS *: Windows 7/8/10

    •Processor: Intel i5

    •Memory: 8 GB RAM

    •Graphics: Nvidia GTS 450

    •Storage: 7 GB available space

    • (3.4K)
    • Gamera Games
    • MeowNature
    • Dec 19, 2022
  2. › app › 2653790Steam - 8番出口

    點數商店 新聞 實驗室. 所有遊戲 > 獨立製作 遊戲 > 8番出口. 社群中心. 8番出口. You are trapped in an endless underground passageway. Observe your surroundings carefully to reach "The Exit 8". 最近評論: 極度好評 (237) 所有評論: 極度好評 (5,799) 發行日期: 2023 年 11 月 29 日. 開發人員: KOTAKE CREATE. 發行商: KOTAKE CREATE. 使用者為此產品所選用的熱門標籤: 懸疑驚悚 步行模擬 恐怖 第一人稱視角 探索. +. 0:03 / 1:22. 自動播放影片. 預告片 |.

  3. 《黑神话:悟空》是一款以中国神话为背景的动作角色扮演游戏。 你将扮演一位“天命人”,为了探寻昔日传说的真相,踏上一条充满危险与惊奇的西游之路。 全部评测: 无用户评测. 发行日期: 2024 年 8 月 19 日. 开发商: Game Science. 发行商: Game Science. 该产品的热门用户自定义标签: 神话 动作 动作角色扮演 角色扮演 类魂系列. +. 0:00 / 0:00. 自动播放视频. 想要将此项目添加至您的愿望单、关注它或标记为已忽略,请先 登录. 单人. Steam 正在了解该游戏. 完全支持控制器. Xbox 控制器. 尚不清楚是否支持其他设备. 查看所有 12 种已支持语言. Game Science. 查看更新记录 阅读相关新闻 查看讨论 查找社区组.

  4. 公告. 【Playmeow】三消爽快打擊遊戲《異世界奇幻配對 -與可愛妹子一起色色配對-》將帶來兩位可愛女主在不久的將來與大家見面啦~💘. 【Playmeow】三國演義中的四位性轉美女將為大家帶來經營養成戀愛新作💘《嬋養成計畫》正式發售🎊!! 【Playmeow】身為城主的你與有著詛咒的她,因為一場召喚烏龍綁在一起...🪡《魔界少女與奴隸召喚術》將在不久的將來與大家見面啦🎉!!

  5. 风靡全球的多人动作竞技大作,现已永久免费! 来这里舞利刃、端火枪,享受远近结合的华丽战斗! 驾驭风沙、机甲,化身野兽、大佛,体验风格迥异的英雄能力! 在这场60人生存竞技中成为最后的赢家! 最近评测: 多半好评 (6,313) 全部评测: 多半好评 (223,817) * 发行日期: 2021 年 8 月 11 日. 开发商: 24 Entertainment. 发行商: NetEase Games Global. 该产品的热门用户自定义标签: 大逃杀 多人 武术 玩家对战 动作 女性主角. +. 0:00 / 0:00. 自动播放视频. 想要将此项目添加至您的愿望单、关注它或标记为已忽略,请先 登录. 线上玩家对战. 应用内购买. 部分支持控制器. Xbox 控制器.

  6. They Are Billions is a Steampunk strategy game set on a post-apocalyptic planet. Build and defend colonies to survive against the billions of the infected that seek to annihilate the few remaining living humans. Can humanity survive after the zombie apocalypse?

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