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  1. › wiki › YouTubeYouTube - Wikipedia

    中文 文言 閩南語 / Bân-lâm-gú 粵語 IsiZulu Eedit airtins Airticle Collogue Scots Read Eedit Eedit soorce ... YouTube is a video-sharin wabsteid, creatit bi three umwhile PayPal employees in Februar 2005, on which uisers can upload, view an share videos. an ...

  2. › wiki › PreesonPreeson - Wikipedia

    A preeson (frae Auld French prisoun) [1] kent as the Jyle, the kittie or the towbuith an aw, is a place that fowk is pheesically confined an, uisually, deprived o a reenge o personal freedoms. Impreesonment or incarceration is a lawsome penalty that micht be imposed bi the state for the commeesion o a crime. Ither terms uised is penitentiary ...

  3. › wiki › OscilloscopeOscilloscope - Wikipedia

    The interior o a cathode-ray tube for uise in an oscilloscope.1. Deflection voltage electrode; 2. Electron gun; 3. Electron beam; 4. Focusin coil; 5. Phosphor-coatit inner side o the screen An oscilloscope, previously cried an oscillograph, an informally kent as a scope, CRO (for cathode-ray oscilloscope), or DSO (for the mair modren digital storage oscilloscope), is a teep o electronic test ...

  4. › wiki › Guro-guGuro-gu - Wikipedia

    Guro-gu. Guro-gu is a destrict o Seoul, Sooth Korea, which wis separatit frae Yeongdeungpo-gu on 1 Aprile 1980. Locatit in the southwastren pairt o the ceety, Guro-gu haes an important position as a transport link frae the rest o Seoul tae the sooth o the kintra. The name Guro oreeginates frae the legend that nine ( Korean: gu) auld men (Korean ...

  5. › wiki › Mapo-guMapo-gu - Wikipedia

    Mapo-gu (Scots: Mapo Destrict) is a gu, or destrict, athin Seoul, Sooth Korea. It lees northwast o the Han River. Several universities an govrenment biggins are locatit here. Mapo is especially weel kent for the Hongdae club destrict aroond Hongik University. Seoul Metropolitan Subway Line 1, Line 5, an Line 6 pass through this destrict. The ...

  6. › wiki › Yeongdo-guYeongdo-gu - Wikipedia

    Yeongdo-gu. Yeongdo-gu is a gu in Busan, Sooth Korea. The gu itsel is limitit tae Yeong-do ( Yeong Island) locatit on the sooth edge o central Busan. It attained the status o gu in 1957. The Korea Maritime Varsity an the Naitional Maritime Museum o Korea are locatit in Yeongdo-gu. Yeongdo-gu is dividit intae 6 legal dong, which aathegither ...

  7. › wiki › Laura_PausiniLaura Pausini - Wikipedia

    Laura Pausini, omri ( Italian pronunciation: [pauˈziːni]; born 16 Mey 1974) is an Italian pop sangster-sangwriter an record producer. She performs maist o her sangs baith in Italian an Spainyie, but she haes recordit sangs in Inglis, French an Portuguese. [1]

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