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  1. 台中人氣最高的美食. 來台中買名產,太陽餅和雞腳凍可說是必備品項,自用相送皆宜。. 台中 同時也盛產芋頭、菱角、杏仁、紅豆,因此可別忘了順便品嚐芋圓、菱角酥、杏仁茶與豆沙牛乳等在地人氣美食,用您的味蕾好好體會在地食材的可口鮮美。. 喜歡海鮮 ...

  2. 芒果挫冰. 芒果挫冰是台北很受歡迎的夏季甜品,連 CNN 都曾經特別報導,評為全球 10 大必吃甜點,是台北人氣很高的甜點。. 芒果挫冰的主角就是芒果,店家選用熟透的台灣芒果,搭配細細綿綿的挫冰,淋上蜂蜜、糖水或者煉乳,視覺上就很驚人,一整盤澄黃的 ...

  3. 主打特色:. 美食. Beef Noodle Soup (or New Rou Mian) is so popular in Taipei that it has a festival in its honour every year. As a result, the range of places selling this tasty dish is very broad, with each claiming to be the best. The meal itself is very simple – thick-cut wheat or flour noodles with tender cuts of beef in a tick ...

  4. The brand’s signature fried rice-noodles is also highly regarded and is included in 1 of the 7-dish set menus, which start at around NT$1,200. 位置資訊: No. 34-1, Shuangcheng Street, Zhongshan District, Taipei City 10491, Taiwan. 營業時間: Daily from 11 am to midnight. 電話: +886 (0)2 2596 3255.

  5. Taiwanese cuisine features some really stand-out dishes which have gained global popularity, carrying simple back-alley vendors to international acclaim. To say that noodle dishes are popular in Taiwan is an understatement – there are countless types of noodle dishes in Taiwan waiting to be savoured. There are even regional varieties within Taiwan, ranging from Nantou slender noodles to hot ...

  6. 台南 大飯店翡翠廳的歐式自助餐以時下最流行的舒肥料理,令人流連忘返。. 阿裕現宰牛肉涮涮鍋,鮮嫩粉紅色澤的溫體牛肉片令人陶醉。. 富盛號餐廳的碗粿料多味美,是別處吃不到的好滋味。. Robin's 牛排館鐵板燒,以熊本王者級的和牛帶給您夢幻的頂級饗宴 ...

  7. The Prime-Grill 極炙牛排館位於台中西屯,是 5 星級飯店台中日月千禧酒店的餐廳,以來自日本、澳洲和美國等地的頂級牛排、肥美鮮甜的生蠔和活跳跳的波士頓龍蝦最為知名。餐廳位於 24 樓,讓來客能一邊享用品質一流的佳餚美饌,一邊欣賞台中七期的璀璨夜景,是視覺和味覺的雙重饗宴。

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