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  1. 1. 起訴,告發;檢舉 [U] [C] Tony has brought a prosecution against them. 湯尼已對他們提出起訴。. 2. 原告及其律師 [the S] [G] 3. 檢察當局 [the S] 4. 【文】徹底進行;實行,執行 [U] She has to travel a great deal in the prosecution of her...

  2. n. 訴訟,爭訟. 相關詞. administrative litigation. ph. 行政訴訟 Even if you lose the case in court, you can still file an administrative litigation. 即使法院判你敗訴,你還可以打行政訴訟。 Dr.eye 譯典通片語. administrative litigation....

  3. 1. 對……起訴;告發;依法進行 [(+for)] He was prosecuted for drunken driving. 他因酒後開車被起訴。. 2. 徹底進行;執行 He started an inquiry into the causes of the fire, and prosecuted it for three weeks....

  4. indict. vt. 控告,告發;(尤指大陪審團)對……起訴 [(+for/with)] The jury indicted all eleven men named by the FBI. 陪審團對受到聯邦調查局點名的十一個人一併提起公訴。 indict someone for murder 以謀殺罪對某人起訴. Dr.eye 譯典通. indict. vt. 控告 to be...

  5. n. 名詞. 1. 控告,告發;起訴 [C] [U] be under indictment for fraud 被控犯有詐騙罪 present an indictment against someone 控告某人. 2. 起訴書 [C] indictments. indictment 的名詞複數. Dr.eye 譯典通.

  6. 起訴書. zhuyin [ㄑㄧˇㄙㄨˋㄕㄨ] pinyin [qisushu] [Law] an indictment; a bill of complaint; a statement of charges; a bill of indictment. 相關詞. 對 起訴書 的答辯. plea to indictment.

  7. 1. 指控,控告;指責 [U] [C] [+(that)] He brought an accusation of theft against the man. 他指控該男子犯有偷竊罪。 2. (被控告的)罪名 [U] [(+against)] The accusation against him was groundless. 對他的控告是沒有根據的。 更多解釋. accusation....