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  1. 蔓越莓益生菌 相關

  2. 「專利蔓越莓x私密益生菌」採獨家深釋技術,將其營養完整送達腸道吸收,舒緩私密不適感. 私密問題反反覆覆? 專業藥師推薦北美專利蔓越莓錠,富含特殊A型花青素,私密環境舒爽健康

  3. 過去一個月已有 超過 10 萬 位使用者造訪過

    挑選具專利SYNPACK®保證菌數,透過一條龍生產,提高活菌存活力,讓你在期限內吃到標示的菌數. 適時適量補充益生菌,搭配足夠水分補給,有助於維持消化道機能,使排便順暢,從內而外舒爽無負擔

  4. 過去一個月已有 超過 1 萬 位使用者造訪過

    momo超級優惠價來了!你需要的益生菌品牌現貨所剩不多,今天刷卡再享回饋! 立即到momo逛好物,快速送到家!想買的「益生菌品牌」輕鬆入手,超划算!


  1. Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment. Yeast infections during pregnancy are more common than any other time in a woman’s life, especially during the second trimester of pregnancy. You may be noticing an increase in the amount of thin, white, odd smelling discharge. This is common and a normal symptom in the second trimester.

  2. Probiotics During Pregnancy. Your microbiome is the collection of all microbes, such as bacteria, fungi, viruses, and their genes, that naturally live in and on your bodies. These microscopic bugs protect you against pathogens, support your immune system and enable you to digest food to produce energy.

  3. Listeria is a type of bacteria that can be found in some contaminated foods. Listeria can cause problems for both you and your baby. Although listeriosis (the illness from ingesting Listeria) is rare, pregnant women are more susceptible to it than non-pregnant healthy adults.

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