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  1. Andy's Deck's Glyphiti is an artistic experiment in extending the reaches of public art. Converting the clandestine creativity of the graffiti artist into something more openly available, Deck developed a globally accessible drawing wall.

  2. Content-Centric Networking (CCN) is a new network architecture designed to match the way the network already works, and to address the problems people are trying to solve. CCN is the next milestone in PARC’s notable legacy in networking -- from inventing Ethernet, to making significant contributions to the IPv6 protocol.

  3. Bio. “Arran Gare is Associate Professor (Reader) in Philosophy and Cultural Inquiry at Swinburne University, and founder of the Joseph Needham Centre for Complex Processes Research. The focus of his research is transforming culture to create a global ecological civilization.

  4. 2024年8月2日 · San Pisith is a Buddhist monk and an early-stage researcher at the Ragnar Nurkse Department of Innovation and Governance.

  5. Description. Daniel Christian Wahl: "The adaptive cycle is a model of natural patterns of change in ecosystems and eco-social systems. It consists of four distinct phases: ‘growth or exploitation’ (r); ‘conservation’ (K) of established patterns and resource distribution; ‘collapse or release’ (Ω); and reorganization (α).

  6. This is the difference with parallel villages. Its about fulfilment, not sustainability. Sustainable is a given, but not the goal. If we can cause such places to come into being, it makes the developer’s life much easier, as naturally we can expect very high sales demand for such homes and workplaces – especially if we can make them affordable.

  7. The simplest topology is a permanent link between two endpoints. Switched point-to-point topologies are the basic model of conventional telephony. The value of a permanent point-to-point network is the value of guaranteed, or nearly so, communications between the two endpoints.