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  1. 2024年8月2日 · San Pisith is a Buddhist monk and an early-stage researcher at the Ragnar Nurkse Department of Innovation and Governance.

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    "“Consumer cooperatives can offer an alternative institutional model for delivery of urban water supply and sanitation services. The cooperative model has a number of potential advantages over private and public utility models. All utility cooperatives are characterized by the facts that owners and customers are the same and that cooperatives do no...

    Kostas Nikolaou: "Approaching and recognizing the water as a commons and not as a commodity or as a means for taxing citizens is a prerequisite for the cooperative water management. Prerequisites are also, the water cooperatives creation and operation “from below” on a non-profit basis, their independence of economic and political interests, to ens...


    More than 5.000 water coops Austria is one of the European countries where the cooperative water management plays the most important role. More than 5.000 water cooperatives in the country serve citizens in rural areas. An example is the Wassergenossenschaft Gramastetten (Water Cooperative of Gramastetten) founded in 1947 and provides drinking water to about 2.000 people. Membership is connected to the ownership of real estate and apartments. All relevant information is available to everyone...


    More than 2.500 water coops Denmark has a long tradition of water cooperatives. No single Ministry in the government of Denmark is responsible for water supply and sanitation, which is considered foremost a local government responsibility. The Danish water supply is highly decentralized, with large and small waterworks situated all over the country. In 2001 there were 2.740 “common utilities”, of which municipalities owned 165 and 2.575 were owned by consumers’ cooperatives.


    Around 1.400 water coops Finland has also a long tradition of organizing water services through cooperatives, especially in rural areas but also in bigger townships. Currently there are some 1.400 water cooperatives in the country providing water supply and increasingly also sewerage services. A research team of Tampere University of Technology using their substantial experience with water cooperatives and the data collected in a variety of projects in Finland discuss the general characterist...

  2. Bio. “Arran Gare is Associate Professor (Reader) in Philosophy and Cultural Inquiry at Swinburne University, and founder of the Joseph Needham Centre for Complex Processes Research. The focus of his research is transforming culture to create a global ecological civilization.

  3. 2023年1月26日 · "John Heron (24 September 1928 – 2022) was a pioneer in the creation of a participatory research method in the social sciences, called co-operative inquiry. This was based on his work in 1968–69 on the phenomenology of social encounter, and which has been applied by practitioners in many fields of professional and personal development.

  4. This is the difference with parallel villages. Its about fulfilment, not sustainability. Sustainable is a given, but not the goal. If we can cause such places to come into being, it makes the developer’s life much easier, as naturally we can expect very high sales demand for such homes and workplaces – especially if we can make them affordable.

  5. 2021年3月4日 · Gibin Hong is (research) director of the Karl Polanyi Institute Asia, based in Seoul, South Korea, and a political economist that has translated The Great Transformation in the Korean language.

  6. Definition. "People’s organizations (POs), unlike NGOs, are established by and represent sectors of the population like small farmers, artisanal fisherfolk, slum dwellers and others. POs take a wide variety of forms and exist at various levels. - Community-based organizations (CBOs) mobilize and represent local populations and directly ...

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