Yahoo奇摩 網頁搜尋


  1. Whereas power-to is defined by a sort of liberating and harmonious social flow that unites the doing of each and everyone of us, power- over arises from the breaking up of the collective by a process of separation. The exercise of power by the ones who have appropriated the doing of others – that is to say, the capitalists – is not based on ...

  2. 随着政治、经济社会体系转变为分布式的网络,一种新型的人类社会力量出现了:点对点模式(简称P2P)。由于P2P正在引发第三种生产模式、第三种管理模式第三种物权模式的出现,它们准备以空前的方式检阅我们的政治经济学。 本文旨在阐述 ...

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