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  1. the BX app will be built on Holochain, a distributed blockchain network powered by each device the app is active on. There are a few more details that define the distinction of BX in comparison to other no cost currencies, which are: people working for the bank

  2. wiki.p2pfoundation.netP2P Foundation

    2023年5月7日 · The P2P Foundation is an international organization focused on studying, researching, documenting and promoting peer to peer practices in a very broad sense. This wiki is our knowledge commons. Our motto is " Together we know everything, together we have everything ", i.e. pooling our resources through commons, creates prosperity for all.

  3. "Originally vTaiwan — v is for “virtual” — was used only for developing cyberpolicy (e.g. sharing economy apps, telework, crowdfunding, etc) but it is now being expanded into other domains. Over its two years of development, vTaiwan has matured into a four phase process with a set of methods that integrate technology, media, and ...

  4. Currently, it is a simple app that can be downloaded and used on the messaging platform Telegram. Through its easy-to-use bot, riders and drivers are directly connected and negotiate prices independently of LibreTaxi, and pay fares in cash.

  5. Cobudget is an open source app that makes it easy for organizations and groups to allocate funds collaboratively and transparently. Originally developed within the Enspiral network, the app is currently being developed further by a venture from the Enspiral ecosystem called Greaterthan .

  6. Platform cooperatives are a business model that differs from platform capitalism, prioritizing fairness and sharing over profit motive. On the other hand, platform capitalists, such as Airbnb and Uber, are more traditional multi-sided businesses focusing on profit and returns to investors.

  7. Holo-REA is developing an REA (Resource-Event-Agent) framework on Holochain for operational management and accounting for economic networks as well as single business organizations. The scope will be like an ERP system for networks, but implemented