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  1. 中英對照讀新聞》A lost cat’s mysterious 2-month, 900-mile journey home to California 1隻迷路的貓歷時2個月、900英里的神秘旅程回到加州的家

  2. 2023年6月16日 · 儘管一度叱吒風雲的(日本職棒)北海道日本火腿鬥士隊近年來陷入困境,但他們的新球場保證會在死忠球迷間造成轟動。. Spectators can watch a baseball game while soaking in a hot spring bath. 觀眾可以邊泡溫泉邊看棒球比賽。. The first stadium in the world to also offer a natural hot ...

  3. 2021年7月5日 · 聯合國人權首長週一呼籲各方協力採取行動,以扭轉她所見的全球人權最惡劣情況;她特別提及中國、俄羅斯、衣索比亞等國局勢。. "To recover from the most wide-reaching and severe cascade of human rights setbacks in our lifetimes, we need a life-changing vision, and concerted action," Michelle ...

  4. 2024年1月3日 · New York state sued PepsiCo on Wednesday, pointing to the soda giant’s plastic waste as a scourge of waterways and blasting the company’s "misleading" statements on the environment. 紐約州週三起訴百事公司,指這家飲料大廠製造的塑膠垃圾,是水道的大患,並抨擊該公司在環境方面發表「誤導性的 ...

  5. 2024年5月10日 · 2024/05/10 05:30. 張沛元. Little green robots could be spotted trundling down the streets of Tokyo’s Nihonbashi district on March 6, their first day at work delivering meals for Uber Eats Japan Inc.

  6. 2024年3月1日 · 中英對照讀新聞》America’s animal shelters are overcrowded with pets from families facing economic and housing woes 美國的動物收容所塞爆因飼主有經濟與住房困境而棄養的寵物

  7. 2024年7月27日 · The hot-dog shaped Wienermobile hit a car Monday morning along Interstate 294 and its driver lost control and overcorrected, causing it to roll onto its side near the Chicago suburb of Oak Brook, Illinois State Police said. 伊利諾州警說,週一早上,這輛熱狗形狀的熱狗車在294號州際公路撞上一輛汽車,司機失控 ...

  8. 2023年4月16日 · 中英對照讀新聞》Sam Sam the Kittycat Man ran away. Thanks to a microchip, he was found close by — 11 years later 貓人山姆.山姆逃跑了。 多虧了微晶片,11年後牠在附近被發現

  9. 2023年8月28日 · Women who drink just one sugary soda per day are at a much higher risk of developing liver cancer, a study suggests. 一項研究表明,女性每天只喝1杯含糖汽水,罹肝癌風險便高出許多。. A team from Harvard Medical School in Boston observed a group of nearly 100,000 American women over the age of 50 who were followed for ...

  10. 2023年5月29日 · 2023/05/29 05:30. 陳成良. A driver, who was pulled over for speeding, tried to switch places with his dog to avoid arrest, police in Colorado said. 科羅拉多州警方稱,一名司機因超速被攔下,他試圖與他的狗調換位置以避免被捕。.

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