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  1. Dual Blades 哈啦板 - 巴哈姆特. 歡迎加入哈啦板達人專欄,提高好文能見度! 募集擅長撰寫攻略、評論、試玩、創作,在本板領域具有專精的勇者。 申請達人. 作品介紹. Dual Blades. ...( 繼續閱讀 ) 1/1. GBA 0. 板務人員: 歡迎申請板主. 精華區有 0 筆文章. 目前無人維護, 申請組長 。 投票區. 歷史結果. 歡迎來到Dual Blades哈啦板,最新資訊及情報分享、精華好文查找、創作交流討論,盡在巴哈姆特!

    • Overview
    • Story (Current)
    • Story (Old, Pre-Justice)
    • Class Specifics
    • Job Advancements

    •2024-04-16 00:50:25 (Execute) Chain Sickle [1,191 B] . . PirateIzzy

    •2024-04-16 00:50:25 (Execute) Fatal Blitz [1,294 B] . . PirateIzzy

    •2024-04-16 00:50:25 (Execute) HEXA Poison Needle [1,969 B] . . HT413

    •2024-04-16 00:50:25 (Execute) Phantom Blade [785 B] . . PirateIzzy

    •2024-04-16 00:50:25 (Execute) Poison Needle [1,457 B] . . PirateIzzy

    •2024-04-16 00:50:25 (Execute) Tearing Knife [1,042 B] . . PirateIzzy

    Main Story Black Heaven

    In the Secret Garden, Lady Syl gave a speech to the entire organization. She told them that the Dual Blades had been born out of a simple misunderstanding, but since then, they had resolved the matter and were now on good terms with the Dark Lord. However, she reminded them that they couldn't forget their roots, adding that the operation was their chance to show all of Maple World why the Dual Blades existed. She commanded them all to achieve victory, claiming that it was high time that they came out of the shadows. Later on, she called the Dual Blade and gave them another mission. In the impending battle, she believed that their enemies were the same ones whom her parents had fought. Though she wanted to slay them herself, she didn't know if she could endure their mental attacks, and so she asked them to strike her down if she became possessed. Hesitantly, the Dual Blade agreed to her request. After Athena Pierce and the player fight their way to the main deck, Athena gives a word of encouragement to the player as they charge into battle, which depends on their class. For Dual Blade, Athena tells him to show their enemies his skills as an Explorer.

    Labyrinth of Suffering

    After the Adversary collapses into despair as a result of Hilla's machinations, they pass out in a void of darkness within their own mind. As their morale and strength threaten to diminish completely, the mysterious divine light speaks to them in the form of someone close to them and provides them motivation to continue. For the Dual Blade, the voice of Lady Syl asks him why he risks his life to save others. The Dual Blade tells her that it's because everyone is that precious to him, to which Lady Syl asks him why he cares so much for Maple World, and what his purpose is. The Explorer replies that Maple World is the home where his loved ones live, and that it's a precious place, filled with all their memories. Lady Syl asks him if he can remember what he needs to do now, to which the Dual Blade begins to say hopelessly that everyone is already dead, and that he couldn't protect anyone. He adds that there's nothing that he can do, and that he's completely helpless. He then asks what else he can do, to which Lady Syl tells him to open his eyes and see for himself, explaining that even if Hilla covers his eyes, she can never cover the truth. She asks him to open his eyes, pick himself up, and do what he has to do, reminding him that they are the Dual Blades, and they're united as one right behind him. She then tells him that all roads exist inside his heart, and to never forget that. As the voice fades away, the Dual Blade recognizes the voice as belonging to Lady Syl.


    In the Secret Garden, Lady Syl commended the Dual Blade for defeating the Black Mage and for bringing honor to the Dual Blades. The Dual Blade told her that he had merely fulfilled his duty, but Syl told him that he had done far more than that, having inspired her to move the Dual Blades out of the shadows. She admitted that she had even started visiting the Jazz Bar in Kerning City from time to time, having buried the hatchet with the Dark Lord. She then told the Dual Blade that she looked forward to hearing of his next victory.

    Main Story

    An Explorer on Maple Island received a letter from an anonymous sender, who claimed that their organization had been watching their development, and that they had decided to give them a chance to join. They explained that Kerning City had been under the control of the Dark Lord for generations, and that the current Dark Lord was unfit to lead. They claimed that Lady Syl was the true master of Kerning City, and that the mission of the Dual Blades was to help her take back her rightful place. The letter also explained that the Dual Blades had been gathering information that would help in the fight against the Dark Lord and his missions. It then tasked the Explorer with infiltrating the Dark Lord's organization and obtaining information about him by becoming one of his thieves. The Explorer then became a thief under the Dark Lord and began working to gain his trust while secretly working for the Dual Blades. In order to get closer to the Dark Lord, the Dual Blade learned that the Spores were causing him trouble by stealing from the townspeople and pulling pranks on them. In order to gain his trust, the Dual Blade defeated the Spores around Victoria Island, after which they were contacted by Ryden - the man who had recruited them to join the Dual Blades. In the back alleys of Kerning City, Ryden told them that Lady Syl was the only child of the former Dark Lord, and that the Dual Blades were working to help her reclaim her birthright. He explained that the people of Kerning City respected the current Dark Lord, and that the Dual Blades were working to expose his true nature. In order to hear the people's opinions on the Dark Lord, as well as to find people who might doubt him, the Dual Blade first spoke with Nella, who strongly believed that the Dark Lord was a good man. However, she noted that he always remained in the Jazz Bar, which made her wonder whether he had a secret. She then asked the Dual Blade to speak with JM From tha Streetz about the Spores that had recently popped up. JM told them that according to rumors, the Spores had stolen something that belonged to the Dark Lord, which explained why he was so eager to catch them. In order to learn more about the stolen item, the Dual Blade spoke to Mr. Pickall, who revealed to them that the Dark Lord was a title handed down through generations, with the current Dark Lord being the 8th in the line, having been a disciple of the 7th Dark Lord, who had mysteriously disappeared, along with his daughter. The Dual Blade reported back to Ryden, who told them that the Dark Lord had learned about the existence of the Dual Blades. In order to learn what the Dark Lord was planning to do, the Dual Blade met with the thief job instructor at the Construction Site. The Dual Blade spoke with the thief instructor by pretending to have been sent on the Dark Lord's instructions to investigate the Dual Blades. The thief instructor explained that though the Dual Blades kept themselves well-hidden, he had noticed that Ryden was exhibiting suspicious behavior in the alleyways. The Dual Blade then reported back to Ryden, who gave them several falsified maps to bring to the job instructor, who thanked them, believing that the maps led to the Dual Blade hideout. Soon after, Ryden told the Dual Blade that Lady Syl hadn't been sleeping well because of the Wraiths that haunted her dreams. The Dual Blade eliminated the Wraiths in the subway, though Lady Syl's condition still wasn't improving because of her weakness. In order to help Ryden prepare a traditional Kerning City tonic for her, which was made from Octopus Tentacles boiled for three days and three nights, and mixed with special herbs from Dark Stumps, the Dual Blade collected the necessary ingredients from the monsters. After helping Ryden prepare the tonic, the Dual Blade was tasked with placing posters around Kerning City, as well as a bomb in the Jazz Bar, which was meant only to serve as a warning that the Dark Lord was to be punished, not to kill anyone. After the bomb detonated and caused an uproar in Kerning City, Ryden was pleased and explained that the entire city was now aware of the Dual Blades. He then ordered the Dual Blade to recover special seals which had been placed in the monsters of Kerning City, which had been making them behave abnormally, thus erasing all traces of the Dual Blades, after which he asked them to leave the city and await further orders. After the panic in the city died down, Ryden contacted the Dual Blade and told them that they were to meet with Lady Syl herself. Ryden led the Dual Blade into the Secret Garden, their organization's headquarters, where they first met with Shiba, who - according to rumors - could destroy anything that he touched. Shiba told the Dual Blade that Lady Syl believed that Jin - the current Dark Lord - had gained his position by assassinating her father, the former Dark Lord. The Dual Blade then spoke with Lady Syl's protégé, Yun, who explained that Jin and Syl had once been close during the time when Jin had served under her father. However, one day, the former Dark Lord had disappeared without a word, and Jin - after going in search of him - had returned with the Dark Lord's personal items and had reported that the Dark Lord had passed away, after which the people of Kerning City had made him the next Dark Lord. Syl had later been told by a passing Explorer that Jin had killed her father, after which she had vowed to get revenge. The Dual Blade then spoke with Lady Syl, who agreed to teach them the art of dual wielding if they could retrieve a Mirror of Insight, which would only reveal itself to those who were worthy of learning the way of the Dual Blade. After being chosen by the mirror, the Dual Blade was officially promoted to an official Dual Blade by Syl, who sent them to her pet own, Suri, for training. Soon after they finished training, Shiba contacted the Dual Blade and told them that Lady Syl's investigations had revealed an eye-witness to Jin's crime. The Dual Blade spoke with Mr. Pickall, who revealed that the former Dark Lord had been good friends with the late legendary hero, Tristan, who had once come to Kerning City in order to speak with him. Mr. Pickall suggested that they visit Manji in Perion, who had been a close friend of Tristan. In Perion, Manji agreed to share what he knew, though he warned that he wasn't sure about all the details. He revealed that he and Tristan had been heading to the Cursed Temple in order to seal Balrog, who had been resurrected. Knowing how important their mission was, they had asked the former Dark Lord to join them. Though they had been meant to convene before facing Balrog together, Tristan and Manji had been delayed in the Burnt Lands because of the boars. Upon arriving at the temple, however, they had found the Dark Lord dead and a boy, who was covered in blood, holding a sword and standing beside the body. The boy had merely given his name, Jin, before leaving with the Dark Lord's body. He then explained that he and Tristan had gone on to seal Balrog, and that Tristan had gained his legendary reputation for having sacrificed his life to do so. The Dual Blade reported back to Lady Syl, who became convinced that Jin had murdered her father. Several days later, she called the Dual Blade back to the Secret Garden, where she explained that ever since she had heard Manji's story, she hadn't been able to sleep well, as she had been consumed with thoughts of starting an all-out war with the Dark Lord and making him shed tears of repentance. She then tasked the Dual Blade with securing her father's diary, his last possession, hidden in a secret room inside the Jazz Bar. The Dual Blade infiltrated the room and fought several thief recruits who discovered them before returning back to Lady Syl with the diary. Syl explained that her father would often write in a cipher that only she could understand. Upon reading the last chapter, however, she grew furious to see that Jin had written in her father's diary and immediately threw it on the ground. The Dual Blade then picked up the diary and read Jin's words on the last pages. They learned that he had followed the former Dark Lord to the Cursed Temple after Syl had seemed worried about his sudden disappearance three days ago. Inside the temple, he had encountered an evil red-eyed monster that he had defeated in a fierce battle, after which he had been shocked to find that the monster had transformed back into the Dark Lord. The dying Dark Lord had revealed to him that his soul had been trapped within Balrog, and that Jin had freed him. He had then asked Jin to take care of Syl and Kerning City, and to never reveal what had happened to anyone, as he couldn't forgive himself for allowing Balrog to steal his soul. As the former Dark Lord had wished, Jin had decided to seal the diary away, and to never speak of that day. Several days later, Yun told the Dual Blade that ever since Lady Syl had read the diary, she had sequestered herself in her room and was refusing to eat or come out. She explained that since Syl had been close with Jin, she had long been confused about Jin being the target of her wrath, and that she was facing a crisis about the fact that her vendetta against him had been based on a lie. As Yun was worried that Syl would lose her will to keep living, she asked the Dual Blade to help give Syl a gift of Yellow Tulips from the Fire Boars. Soon after, Lady Syl called the Dual Blade and told them that she had been thinking a lot about the Dual Blades, and though she wasn't ready to meet with Jin yet, she knew that she had been neglecting her duties as the leader of the Dual Blades. She acknowledged that she had kept the Dual Blades in the shadows for so many years, and that it was now time for them to come out. Syl sent the Dual Blade to speak with Arec - the thief instructor at the Chief's Residence in El Nath - as her representative. Arec sensed a kinship with the Dual Blade and recognized them as a member of the Dual Blades, a different branch of thieves born out of hate. In order to officially recognize the Dual Blades, Arec had the Dual Blade acknowledge that their hatred had been born out of a misunderstanding. He also had them, the organization's representative, apologize on behalf of the Dual Blades for their actions. He then had the Dual Blade defeat the White Fangs, who were hurting the people of El Nath, after which he gave them a letter to pass along to Lady Syl, acknowledging their official existence.

    Birth of an Alliance

    Lady Syl called the Dual Blade and told them that she had come to a decision regarding the future of the Dual Blades. She explained that the Dual Blades would join the Maple Alliance under their own distinction, separate from thieves, in order to earn fear and respect through their reputation, as the Dual Blades outnumbered the combined forces of all the other Explorers on Victoria Island. She also hoped to obtain a sovereign domain in Victoria Island at the end of the war with the Black Mage. After having Syl's proposal accepted by Jin, the Dual Blade worked with Dances with Balrog, who convinced the Alliance to accept Lady Syl's terms. Despite the Alliance accepting the Dual Blades, the Cygnus Knights had voted against allowing them to join, with the Knights even sending spies to monitor the Dual Blades. Lady Syl then sent the Dual Blade to threaten Neinheart to stand down, after which they reached an agreement.

    The Dual Blade job branch, unlike other Thieves, has their own tutorial, where they start in The Secret Garden. Using a Dagger as primary weapons and a Katara as a secondary weapon, Dual Blades utilize fast attacks, some of which can be chained together.

    Dual Blades, unlike other Explorer Thieves, do not gain a job specialty skill in 2nd job, but have other abilities to make up for it. For example, Dual Blades have Shadow Meld, a buff that gives 100% critical when the player dodges attacks, as well as Final Cut, a damage buff that increases final damage temporarily. In 3rd job, they gain a skill called Mirror Image, which mimics the player's attacks, dealing extra damage at a reduced rate. This skill is also required for Mirrored Target, which allows the player to place a dummy to lure enemies away from the player and can activate Shadow Meld whenever it gets hit.

    1st Job Advancement

    When the player reaches Level 10 as a Beginner, aspiring Thieves who become Dual Blades will meet with Ryden. Complete the tutorial quests, with the last quest being Spy Training, Complete!, to advance to a Rogue.

    1st Job Advancement+

    At Level 20, the player will receive a lightbulb on the side from Lady Syl, asking the player to come to her private room. She will ask the player to retrieve the Mirror of Insight by heading to the Marble Room and attacking the Glass Marbles inside, dropping the Glass Marble, which the player can pick up and consume. Keep consuming these marbles until the player obtains the Mirror of Insight. Once obtained, head back to Lady Syl to advance from a Rogue to a Blade Recruit.

    2nd Job+ Advancement

    After saving Maple Island with the help of a Mysterious Voice, the player will reach Level 30 and talk to Athena Pierce, who will send the player back to Lady Syl's Room to talk with the Lady Syl. She will then advance the player from a Blade Recruit to a Blade Acolyte.

  2. 2013年8月24日 · A Dual Blade abbreviation (DB) is a Maplestory job that is in the Thief Explorer/Adventurer class. Its main stat is LUK. This is a limited class meaning that it will only be available for creation once in a while or during events.

  3. Dual Blade is a LUK thief class part of the Explorers. Dual Blade utilize Daggers as their primary weapons. For their secondary weapon, Dual Blade can equip Kataras.

    • Explorers
    • LUK
    • Thief
    • DEX + STR
  4. 2002年5月8日 · Metro3D公司公佈了他們開發中第一款GBA格鬥遊戲「Dual Blades」,這款充滿濃厚美式漫畫風格的格鬥遊戲,收錄了15位格鬥角色,為了對抗邪惡勢力,來自異世界的勇者挺身而出,而在這之前他們先必須來一場比鬥,看看誰夠資格贏得能消滅黑暗的神聖武器「Dual Blades」。 遊戲預計6月份推出。 哈啦板. 分享. 更多的圖片與影片: 追蹤 0. 新聞評語. 載入中... 延伸報導. 「神奇寶貝」雙新作登場GBA. GBA | 神奇寶貝 藍寶石版. 0. 《甲蟲王者》將推出卡通動畫與 GBA 遊戲作品. GBA | 甲蟲王者 通往偉大冠軍的道路. 0. N3DS 大使方案 10 款虛擬平台 GBA 遊戲釋出下載. 3DS | N3DS 主機. 0. 60.

  5. 2020年9月28日 · Dual Blade belongs to the Thief Explorer job branch in MapleStory and is one of the most popular end-game bossing classes for Explorer Thieves. Unlike regular Explorer's, Dual Blades have an extra two job advancements in the early levels.

  6. 2023年12月13日 · Dual Blades are a melee thief class that equip both a dagger and a katara. I would consider them a jack-of-all-trades class, as they've got a bit of everything. High mobility (arguably the highest in the game including their attacking skills)

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