Yahoo奇摩 網頁搜尋


  1. Step 2: Edit and format. To edit a document: On your computer, open a document in Google Docs. To select a word, double-click it or use your cursor to select the text you want to change. Start editing. To undo or redo an action, at the top, click Undo or Redo . Note: To edit a document on a touchscreen device, like a Pixel Book, double-tap the ...

  2. Step 2: Use voice typing. Type with your voice. Open a document in Google Docs in a supported browser. Speak clearly, at a normal volume and pace (check below for more information on using punctuation). In a Chrome browser, open a presentation in Google Slides. For more information on how to use punctuation, check below.

  3. Create and name your document. On your computer, open a Google Docs, Sheets, Slides, Forms or Vids home screen. Click Create . You can also: Create a file from template. Use a template in Google Vids. At the top of the page, click Untitled document and enter a new title.

  4. 如果啟用了 Google 文件、試算表、簡報或雲端硬碟的離線存取功能,系統也會一併啟用其餘服務的離線存取功能。 此外,你也可以開啟任何 Google 文件、試算表或簡報檔,然後在頂端的檔案標題旁邊,依序按一下「查看文件狀態」圖示 「開啟」 「開啟」 ,以啟用離線存取功能。

  5. 你可以在 Google 文件和試算表中加入表情符號,也可以在 Google 文件和簡報中加入特殊字元,例如各種箭頭、形狀或變音符號。 在電腦上開啟 Google 文件或簡報。您無法直接在 Google 試算表中插入特殊字元。 開啟/建立文件或簡報。 依序按一下頂端的 [插入]

  6. 使用電腦在 Google 文件 中開啟文件。. 依序按一下左上方的 [插入] [頁首和頁碼]。. 選擇 [頁首] 或 [頁尾]。. 在頁首或頁尾輸入文字內容。. 重要事項:這項功能不適用於不分頁格式的文件。. 如果文件原本含有頁首或頁尾,你卻切換為不分頁格式,則文件就不會 ...

  7. Add a citation source and related details. In the Citations sidebar, under your selected style, click + Add citation source. Select your source type. Select how you accessed your source. You can use a URL to search for websites or online newspapers, or use an ISBN number to search for books. Enter or edit any source information in the fields.

  8. Google Docs training and help. Get started with Docs in Google Workspace. Switch from Microsoft Word to Google Docs. Google Docs cheat sheet. Set up citations and bibliographies in Docs. Tips to format & customize documents. Tips for strong proposals. Use Google Workspace keyboard shortcuts. Print, save, or customize Learning Center guides.

  9. Accessibility. Use Google editors with a screen reader. Use a screen reader on your computer. Use a braille display with Google Docs, Sheets, Slides, Vids, & Drawings. Present slides with captions. Type & edit with your voice. Make your document, presentation, sheets & videos more accessible.

  10. 使用電腦在 Google 文件 或 Google 試算表 中開啟文件或試算表。. 依序按一下 [編輯] [尋找與取代]。. 在「尋找」旁邊輸入運算式,然後點選 [使用規則運算式進行搜尋] 或 [使用規則運算式尋找相符項目]。. 按一下 [尋找]。. 使用「尋找與取代」功能時,系統可能會 ...

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