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  1. 1. Mann was alive when he came to Iowa. Ray's brother-in-law saw and interacted with him when they introduced each other. At that time the brother-in-law could not see the ghosts on the field, therefore Terence had to be alive. Share. Improve this answer.

  2. 2016年12月30日 · 13. Dr Mann's motivation is survival. He knew no one would save him if he was on a useless planet, so he activated the beacon to get help to come. His reasons for trying to kill his rescuers, either by straight up murder or abandoning them on the dead planet is to protect his pride.

  3. 2016年4月16日 · This is in contrast to how much time passed on Earth, which is roughly 75~90 years depending on his age when he left. Also contrasting to how much linear time he experience including sleep, which is 3~4 years. 2 years From Earth to Saturn's wormhole, let's say a year and a half between reaching Miller's and then Mann's planet.

  4. 2013年8月19日 · In the Wikipedia article Capital and corporal punishment in Judaism, it's stated that if the Beth Din (a rabbinical court) was judging a capital case, and there was a unanimous verdict of guilty, the accused was released, because there must be something wrong with the court if no judge could find anything to excuse the accused.

  5. 2015年7月1日 · When Cooper and others wake Dr. Mann, his first reaction is to cry. He changed a lot and his beliefs changed also. Rather than saving humans and such great goals, he just wants to go back to earth. He lost his hope totally and years of solitude made him a coward; broken and hopeless.

  6. 2014年12月1日 · When Dr. Brand uses it in Interstellar, it's symbolic of humanity's continual fight for live - their desire to not go gently in to the night, but to fight tooth and nail for survival. It's particularly fascinating that Dr. Brand references the poem, as we later learn that he has effectively given up on "Plan A", which he didn't believe could work.

  7. In the film Ip Man (2008), Ip Man fights Japanese Army general Miura in a martial arts match and beats him. Is that incident historically true? If not, what was the real incident?

  8. 2016年4月10日 · With the amount of fuel available after delivering supplies to Mann's planet and pushing the Endurance out of [Mann's planet] orbit, only two cargo pods could be delivered to the surface of Edmunds. It remains capable of atmospheric flight, but has insufficient fuel to return to orbit.

  9. He, again, acts on impulse and decides to save her. Because Vincent is stuck in his routine, which was actually against everything he had been preaching to Max, Max was able to find him and save Annie just in time. Max shoots him in the ear, the blow knocking Vincent down. Max and Annie take off.

  10. 2015年12月18日 · 12. According to the Star Wars wikia, Lor San Tekka lived in the Western Reaches of Jakku about 29 years after the Battle of Jakku, which took place approximately one year after the Battle of Endor. He was a follower of the Church of the Force, a religion that based its faith on the ideals of the Jedi.

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