- Yahoo奇摩字典
- 1. what the fuck?! (used as an expression of incredulity or annoyance). vulgar slang
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2011年12月7日 · WTF:what the f ck 個人意見的愛用語(笑),被他本人引申為時尚指數(壞的意義)。 F開頭那個字的意思就和台灣國罵(ㄍㄢ四聲)的意思差不多,但這一句話不適合用xx娘那句翻譯,就使用上來講,應該比較偏向是(ㄍㄢ四聲)+拉長音的意境。 (不能明目張膽的把那個字打出來真討厭! OMG:oh my god 喔,我的老天爺(這不用再解釋了吧? GM:good morning...
wtf. offensive slang. written abbreviation for what the fuck: a rude phrase used, for example in text messages and on social networking websites, to show that you are surprised or annoyed, or do not care about something. (用於短訊和社群媒體)真他媽見鬼了(what the fuck的縮寫). (wtf在劍橋英語-中文(繁體)詞典 ...
WTF 這句英文用語,有沒有比較優雅的說法呢? 不要用髒話的? 有的,今天跟大家分享五種不一樣的講法,讓你可以順暢的用英文,表達自己當下 ...
A: Wtf = what the fuck (this is rude, but “wtf” is less rude and more casual) Wth = what the hell (also rude, but less rude, also casual, less common than wtf) Wtf/wth = casual and slang words, don’t say to anyone who you are not very close to What the fuck
工具. WTF 可以指:. 世界跆拳道聯合會 (World Taekwondo Federation). ATP世界巡迴賽總決賽 (ATP World Tour Finals). What the fuck!?(罵人詞語,或表示驚嚇、錯愕、不滿...等反應。. Weekly Top Five. 打工地獄2000 (Work Time Fun). WTF星 ("Where's The Flux"),或稱KIC 8462852,一顆亮度 ...
WTF 和其全稱what the fuck 一樣,可以引出問句: WTF are you talking about? 也可以引出感嘆句: WTF! That's a load of bull! WTF 有時以北約音標字母的形式拼寫(whiskey tango foxtrot); WTF 一般不像其全稱what the fuck一樣帶有無禮的成分。
2014年6月5日 · WTF What The Fuck 的缩写,类似于什么鬼。常用于表示惊讶,难以相信,或者愤怒。释义摘自 WTF是什么意思? - 小鸡词典
WTF是網路用語,它的全寫是 "What the fuck" 或 "What the heck",是一種表達驚訝、疑惑、不滿或憤怒的非正式用語。 在網路上,人們經常會縮寫這個詞語,以避免過於粗俗的表達方式,或者因為空間限制(如在Twitter上)。
wtf的意思its is used when emphasising the question on something you are confused about. e.g "what the fuck are you doing in my house!" *Someone spills coffee all over you* "what the fuck! Why would you do that."
WTF,网络流行词,What The Fuck的缩写,该词类似于什么鬼。常用于表示惊讶,难以相信,或者愤怒。