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  1. 2021年11月30日 · Cosmo-Local Production is a methodology for creating value and products and services that are inspired by the following basic rules (see below). and marries the planetary globalization of knowledge, the 'smart' localization of production, and both local and planetary mutualization, i.e. marrying distributed making and global open innovation: 1 ...

  2. Peter Diamandis: "In the beginning, the DIY Drones projects were simple, but as his community grew, so did its ambition. The cheapest military-grade unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) on the market is the Raven, which retails for $35,000, with the full system for $250,000. One of DIY Drones' first major projects was an attempt to build an autonomous ...

  3. 2019年1月10日 · 1. " [A]n open-source electronics prototyping platform based on flexible, easy-to- use hardware and software. It’s intended for artists, designers, hobbyists, and anyone interested in creating interactive objects or environments . . . It’s an open-source physical computing platform based on a simple microcontroller board, and a development ...

  4. 1. Establish 350 operational DIY Food sites that will participate in a global 11th Hour awareness event on 11.11.11 2. Viral growth of a global Sola Roof DIY community using Open Source information and transformational social networks. 3. Establish the first 4.

  5. Etsy’s main business model is creating a marketplace for the long tail of DIY Craft, charging a listing fee of 20 cents for each item and getting 3.5 % of every sale,with the average sale about $ 15 or $ 20. Etsy also has another income from Showcase, Etsy’s advertising program designed for its sellers. By purchasing a 24 hour spot in the ...

  6. Description. "The OxiKit is an open source oxygen concentrator design that allows for more than one person to use the same oxygen tank at the same time. As you may have read, oxygen tanks are in critically short supply in India. The goal of this initiative is to help save lives, and also develop decentralized manufacturing capacity across the ...

  7. Description. "Objectives. To analyze and evaluate the situation of the commons-oriented model within the collaborative economy in the context of Barcelona. To map the collaborative economy cases and commons-oriented models within the context of Barcelona. To elaborate recommendations towards the planning of public policies in that field.

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